Are you throwing out good food? – IOTW Report

Are you throwing out good food?


23 Comments on Are you throwing out good food?

  1. What business is it of the government when I throw out food!!! And no kidding, obviously a bag of expired by a month almonds aren’t going to kill me but they also taste like crap.

    For years now, since Moochelle has gotten her big paws into school lunches, we’ve been fed lines by the government such as eating spoiled food isn’t bad, lambasting people for not wanting to eat bruised and rotting fruit and vegetables, and liberal cities actually monitoring garbage for thrown out food… WTF is wrong with these people that they need to worry about what I do with food I pay for! F-Off already.

  2. Being a thrifty type, I ignore all these “use by” dates. I look at, is the food still safe and usable, or will it make me ill? Does it pass a smell and finger-touch-to-tip-of-tongue taste test?

    Besides, I need to eat some “questionable” food once in awhile, to keep my immune system up.

  3. Some people check to see if the egg floats in water, if so it’s no good. An easier way is to shake it next to your ear. If you hear it sloshing around inside the shell it’s either going bad (in which case it’s still good for scrambling or hard boiling) or gone bad (in which case it will let out a smell when cracked).

    The best rule to follow, “if in doubt, throw it out.”

    I’ve gone 2 years without eating eggs from the store – they come right out of the backyard coop. Can’t be fresher. Works great in trade with neighbors also.

  4. When I toss out canned/packaged food that is beyond its expiration date, I know that it is prolly still fine to eat. If we were in the zombie apocalypse, I would eat expired food. But, since we aren’t in the zombie apocalypse, into the trash it goes.

  5. As long as the can isn’t swollen, IMHO it’s good to eat. I don’t eat store eggs unless I want them hard boiled, my Americana hen eggs are a bitch to peel when boiled. Beef is good in the freezer until it gets freezer burn, but I don’t eat much beef these days, I got me an elk tag to be used in Oct.

  6. A few years ago I found a box of the original Atkins low-carb bars from the early 2000s encrusted in ice and forgotten in the bottom of a chest freezer. I thawed them and I ate them and they were fine.

    Would I have done that with a steak from the same era? No, only because it would be dessicated into a block of dust. But the principle still applies. Old =/= bad, necessarily.

  7. I think it may have been Bob Saget who told a story that when he was a baby his mother couldn’t lactate, so he was actually nursed by his grandmother. He said that it had no ill effects for him and he grew up perfectly normal, other than a preference for milk that was past its expiry date.


  8. Canned food, if originally packed in sanitary conditions, is edible three or four years beyond the “Expiration Date.” It’s safe to eat, but the nutritional value diminishes over time. When the SHTF, you won’t starve eating expired canned goods, but I recommend you stock up on some good multi-vitamins to boost nourishment.

    Canned soup is so high in salt, you could probably go as much as five years beyond the Exp Date.

    NEVER ever eat the contents of a can that is bulging. Toss it out without opening it.


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