Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County – IOTW Report

Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

Sara Carter: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is investigating claims that hundreds of ballots were tossed or rejected by the use of sharpies being passed out by people at voter locations in Maricopa County, as well as other polling stations in the state.

Brnovich tweeted out a letter sent by Arizona Deputy Solicitor General Michael Catlett demanding Maricopa County Director of Election Day and Emergency Voting Scott Jenson answer questions regarding complaints lodged by hundreds of voters who may have been disenfranchised because they were given Sharpies to fill out their ballots.

Maricopa County has a significantly higher Republican base and concern that ballots were tossed or not counted began Tuesday with voters complaining on social media platforms, as well as complaints being lodged with the Emergency Voting Office, according to reports. more here

16 Comments on Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

  1. Now the Biden gang is looking for volunteers to go door-to-door in Georgia and help voters “cure” their botched mail-in ballots and make them countable. I shit you not.

    SOS Raffensperger, I expect this nonsense to be shut down immediately. WTAF.

  2. They gave us sharpies to use at my polling place in Chicago they warned me to use a “light touch” because some people had complained it bled through the paper. I did use a light touch and it still bled. I checked and it did not bleed into another check box but there were definitely ink blots on the other side

  3. I believe that Trump, with Giuliani’s help, is going to fight this.

    Mr. Hat might understand this: this whole thing reminds me of episodes of Forensic Files where someone’s spouse dies in a suspiciously similar manner that a previous spouse died many years before. Gee, aren’t you concerned that someone might notice?

    I heard that Biden supposedly got more votes than any presidential candidate before in History. The Dems are putting it up in neon that they cheated but they don’t realize that with COVID and the BLM riots, the American people have had it.

  4. That’s not all. I have friends who live in Gilbert (east valley of Maricopa County) who stated that THOUSANDS of ballots were reported cancelled because “signatures didn’t match.” There’s a Facebook group called ‘Go Gilbert’ where you’ll see people (all Trump supporters) stating their ballots were cancelled under the same false pretense.

    We’re just getting warmed up in AZ, everyone. This isn’t even close to being over.

  5. WA state mail in ballots specifically say to use a blue or black ink pen and DO NOT use a felt pen.

    A Sharpie is one of the juiciest felt pens you could pick. Light touch? BS. It’s going to bleed through no matter what you do.

  6. The Southeast Valley (Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert) is where conservatives are concentrated. Generally, the further out you go from the center of the Phoenix urban area, the more conservative you get … with the exception of Sc#ntsville, of course


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