Arizona audit reportedly found ‘potentially thousands’ of duplicated ballots without serial numbers – IOTW Report

Arizona audit reportedly found ‘potentially thousands’ of duplicated ballots without serial numbers

Just The News- A state official in Arizona on Thursday said the state Senate’s audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results revealed “potentially thousands” of missing serial numbers on ballot copies that had been duplicated from damaged originals. 

In the state Senate hearing on Thursday, Senate Liaison Ken Bennett described the process by which election workers duplicate a ballot. “If a ballot gets damaged and has to be sent to duplication, there is a very specific process in the [state] elections procedure manual,” he said. That process involves applying matching serial numbers to both original and duplicated ballots.

“We found, I would have to say, thousands of duplicate ballots where those serial numbers are not on them,” he said. “And so it has created great difficulty to try to match up a duplicated ballot to its duplicate.” MORE

13 Comments on Arizona audit reportedly found ‘potentially thousands’ of duplicated ballots without serial numbers

  1. Looking into the elections anymore these days is like opening a can of smashed assholes, or worse yet, Swedish Surströmming! The more you look the stinkier it gets! We’ve seen a far greater volume of fraud of every imaginable type and in more geographical areas than ever before! It’s safe to say that it is off the charts and out of control!

  2. And yet this morning Hugh Hewitt interviewed Robert Costas about his stupid book detailing President Trump’s efforts to stop the steal before the 1/6 certification vote. They two of them are shaking their heads sadly, calling him a “real estate developer” and mocking him for even trying to save his win.

    None of the sordid details of the fraud and dirty dealing which are being revealed daily will ever be brought to light by these smug elite journos, who will continue to deny, in the face of reality, that anything criminal was done by Democrats in 2020 or that President Trump has any legal recourse to challenge the results.

    Sometimes, I feel a little twinge of guilt for ragging on Hewitt. And then he does shit like this to reinforce my belief that he is the epitome of Controlled Opposition.

  3. The people who are covering the world in shit are not the people who will clean up the shit. We keep expecting corrupt thieving liars to somehow develop a conscience!
    Our passivity only encourages the corrupt maggots.
    And why not? Bullies pick on sissies because they’re easy.

    mortem tyrannis
    Fuck Joe Biden

    izlamo delenda est …

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  5. I’m sorry, but “revealed “potentially thousands”” isn’t a revelation.
    If revealed, they’re not potential.
    If potential, they’re not revealed.

    Somebody doesn’t understand something – and it potentially could definitely be me.

    Fuck Joe Biden

    izlamo delenda est …

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