Arizona: Audit Results scheduled for 1pm – IOTW Report

Arizona: Audit Results scheduled for 1pm

Link to RSBN’s live feed of audit report. [1pm in Arizona]

Gateway Pundit:
2020 Election Improper Governmental Operations Report – Presented To Arizona Senate and Will Be Submitted To Attorney General.

All evidence of fraud presented in the Arizona audit report on Friday will be referred to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

We The People AZ Alliance drafted a report on Improper Governmental Operations of the Maricopa County Elections Department and Board of Supervisors and have presented it to the Arizona Senate to possibly be used today.

The Gateway Pundit has obtained a copy of this report which details statute and policy violations that occurred before, during, and after the 2020 election. The report says.

Steve Bannon on Arizona Audit Day: “Note to All the Liberals, The Biden Admin Is Dead, You Died, Sorry About That. Sorry Not Sorry” (VIDEO)

Steve Bannon and Boris Epshteyn opened The War Room on Friday morning with a clip of author Bob Woodward admitting President Trump only “lost” the election by around 50,000 votes.

Today that changes. Steve Bannon then dropped this BOMB on the Biden regime.

Steve Bannon: “Note to All the Liberals, The Biden Admin Is Dead, You Died, Sorry About That. Sorry Not Sorry!”

Later today the Arizona Senate will release the findings from their historic forensic audit.
Boris Epshteyn says it’s over 50,000 illegitmate votes — Just in Maricopa County.
The election was a sham!

32 Comments on Arizona: Audit Results scheduled for 1pm

  1. I’d love to have this done in Clallam County, the ONLY one of the historic 19 bellweather counties that ALWAYS vote for the winning presidential candidate(Trump won) that didn’t in 2020.

    The fraud must be huge but I can’t get any traction. The GOP here appears to be typically worthless.

  2. If voter fraud only affected one party the opposing party would have put an end to it years ago. They are all complicit. All of them deserve the rope.

  3. I’m not getting my hopes up to high. They would need to arrest MoFo’s on camera and perp walk them to mke an impact. The findings will be ignored by the MSM and the the brain dead will be fed “The Agenda”. All part of the color revolution.

  4. The forensic team knew within 1 week of the voting fraud. If they had seen that it would go in favor of the Dims, they would have stopped the investigation. IIRC, it was the Pulitzer guy who called out the fraud in the beginning. He said that the fraud would be big, and that the American people are going to be shocked at what they find. The investigators have the goods, what becomes of it is another guess. Trump and his team might have something up their sleeve.

  5. “Someone is trying to pull something.
    Supposed leaks are coming out that are saying Trump lost worse than anyone really knew.”

    It’s leaking all over the news links right now.

  6. MJA

    There’s some homely looking 30 something white Libtard woman that as late as last week was Doxing proponent of the investigation. She’s been a shit disturber through the entire process. My moneys on her. Doxing is not cool. I’m thinking they might have been after her.

  7. Lars Larsen explained it thus: If I give you a stack of hundred dollar bills and tell you to count them, and you do, then i tell you some of those bills are counterfeit, but count them again, you will still come up with the same number, no matter how many times you count them, until you actually remove the counterfeit bills!

    Fact remains: Trump lost AZ by 10,000 votes. There were 50,000 illegal ballots.

  8. The sad thing is, nothing from this audit will change anything in our political landscape today.

    Not one thing.

    The people in Maricopa County that deleted scan records, used a script to flush the security logs in those machines, accessed them for what ever reason remotely, and deployed voting hardware that was inherently uncertified,will never face consequences.

    The left in that county is tea bagging the conservatives and they’ll get away with it.

    They don’t care what the audit exposed, they’re laughing about it tonight. If you don’t see that, you are lying to your self.

    If you don’t want this type of thing to happen again, there is only one way to ensure that. And that’s illegal.

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