Arizona: Border Patrol Agents Shut Down Tunnel Construction at Border With Mexico – IOTW Report

Arizona: Border Patrol Agents Shut Down Tunnel Construction at Border With Mexico

WFB: Border Patrol agents foiled the construction of a cross-border tunnel for smuggling contraband that was discovered Monday during a tunnel sweep in cooperation with Mexican law enforcement.

The tunnel was about 50 feet long and 2 feet wide by 2 feet tall, and while it was incomplete, it was apparently designed for smuggling, the Tucson Sector Border Patrol said in a statement. Most of it, about 44 feet, was on the U.S. side of the border.

“Tucson Sector Border Patrol continues to work closely with strategic partners in Mexico to detect tunnels under construction to prevent the movement of illegal contraband or persons across the border,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.  more

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