Arizona Child Welfare Workers Caught Wearing ‘Professional Kidnapper’ T-Shirts – IOTW Report

Arizona Child Welfare Workers Caught Wearing ‘Professional Kidnapper’ T-Shirts


The Prescott Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) is down to only one child-abuse investigator after having to fire at least eight others for wearing t-shirts that say “Professional Kidnapper” on them and posting the photos on Facebook.

The terminated child-welfare employees had these shirts made up with the phrase “Do you know where your children are?” in bright pink as a “joke” that no one who has battled DCS for custody of their children thought was funny. more

14 Comments on Arizona Child Welfare Workers Caught Wearing ‘Professional Kidnapper’ T-Shirts

  1. They all should be fired because they are unfit to be a social worker – fat and ugly. I took my niece in who was having family issues. A social worker had to come to my home to check it out. On the 2nd visit, she told me that my niece should be allowed to listen to heavy metal music in our home. We had 2 small children at the time. I let her flip her lips for a while, then I got up, opened the front door and told her to get her ass out of my house and don’t come back. I told her that my niece was lucky she had a place to stay. Sadly, my niece passed away a month ago – she was a hot mess. (The event though took place 35 years ago).

    Let’s call them the “Dumpy Seven”

  2. Why in the world are there so many child kidnapper social workers in a town of under 50,000? Way too much government. I went to camp in the 80s in Prescott when it was a very small sleepy town and I’m sure it has changed a lot but seriously how many social workers do you need?!

  3. They are all women.

    Angry Angry Vaginas.

    These shirts I find extremely offensive considering how many times social services removes kids from homes where the parents are good but politically not liked or correct and given to worse homes.


  4. …I’m going to cut cross-grain and piss off all the divorced parents here by saying that Child Protective Services ISN’T completely evil.

    Hear me out.

    While I know divorced parents of BOTH sexes (but mostly men…mostly) that have had it improperly weaponized against them, and I know the agencies tend to be populated by generally feminists and DEFINITELY liberal types, and while I am COMPLETELY disgusted at the MODERN idea that they can be used to take children away from parents who commit the heinous crimes of trying to raise their children Christian, not accept faggotry in their kids who aren’t supposed to be having sex with ANYBODY because they’re KIDS, and the FULLY vile idea that a child can be taken into state custody because a liberal teacher convinced him he needs his penis cut off and the state wants to facilitate that, that is the POLITICAL side of what they do, for which killing Democrats is the only fix.

    Now I will tell you about the NECESSARY side.

    Parents, again and especially MODERN parents, are scarcely angels, either.

    Witness the “father” who takes it in his head one day to start banging hus daughters, or his sons.

    The “mother” who barters her child’s body for drugs.

    The couple that does heroin together in a moving car with a toddler in the unstrapped child seat.

    The wife who thinks it’s OK when her brother gets “handsy” with the kids, ’cause it’s a relief he’s leaving HER alone for a change.

    The infant given hard drugs to make it stop crying.

    The baby born to the crack addict who took MORE crack late in pregnancy to try to force labor that is left forever.

    The woman who keeps her meth stash in her baby’s “onsie” since the cops aren’t likely to look there…but the BABY sure is.

    The new boyfriend who gets punchy on the son who doesn’t like him, or suggests a 3 way with the 10 year old.

    The unwanted baby abandoned at a fire station after state law enables that because it’s better than him being dumped in a garbage can.

    All this, and more, MUCH more, is out there, 24/7/365, and HAS to be dealt with.

    Ambulances can transport.

    Police can arrest.

    Hospitals can treat.

    But what, THEN, with the children?

    Enter CPS. They can house them, feed them, place them with a foster family, or an adoption agency if the parents are incorrigible…or dead. They have the resources, the contacts, and the knowledge to do the “unglamorous” part of the job, away from the flashing red and blue lights and tbe hubbub of the ER, the part that’s simply that a child must be able to live from one day to the next and be cared for by SOMEONE all day, and all night. You can’t turn a child off like a truck when you’re done with it, and there’s little glory or even acknowledgment to be had in it. “Thankless” doesn’t cover it, as your abused wards won’t like you, any more than the only parents they’ve ever known will.

    Someone’s gotta do it.

    No, they are not saints. And there’s bad ones, ones with an agenda, and just plain stupid ones like this. They are, at best, a necessary evil.

    Emphasis on “necessary”.

    I’m sure that many people have had negative experiences with them. It’s not for nothing that Family Court is the most heavily guarded part of the courthouse. I myself have been sniffed by them when my nephew blacked my son’s eye or when he burned himself with a soldering iron, you can tell when the doctor demands you leave the room “so the child can have some privacy” that there’s gonna be some VERY unprivate questions asked while the hospital cops glower at you and finger their PR-24s.

    But I’ve been om the other side of that, too, and what is sometimes done to kids ain’t pretty.

    AT ALL.

    I won’t justify all they do. I won’t again recount the stories of abuse victims I’ve seen. I won’t even say they aren’t overly suspicious, narrow-minded family-breakers with a parochial agenda 90% of the time.

    But thank GOd they are there the OTHER 10%…

    …hate them if you will, hate ME if you will, but spare some hate for the wicked and stupid breeders, child pimps, and rapist that make them NECESSARY.

    If parents were perfect, we could get RID of them.

    Just like if PEOPLE were perfect, we could get rid of COPS.

    …most sane people know better than to expect the LATTER…

    So why would they EVeE expect tge fORMER…

  5. “Witness the “father” who takes it in his head one day to start banging hus daughters, or his sons.”

    Dude, you need to get off the drugs. That’s a weak argument. However I still love you.

  6. @brad
    Actually, that’s one point I agree with sns on.. although replace raping with severe molestation.
    I know 3 different MEN who were abused by their biological father, and cps did try to help but the court system in each case sided with the father who had a better lawyer. (2 cases in the 80s, one in the 90s.)

    The court said the mother made it up in two of the cases, but the guys had stories that… well you can’t make up that level of visible trauma or the sick ill feeling, the coldness that settles in the pit of your stomach when you hear it.

  7. chuffed-beyond-words

    And I submit to you it had nothing to do with a divorce. Those men were fxcked to begin with. That’s not even close to being normal. The dude was defective to begin with.

  8. I can only imagine what else they had been up to. One thing that is for sure and for certain, the people who fired them knew the score and were just fine with what they were up to UNTIL the public found out. Upper management didn’t have a problem with it until the public found out, that much I can promise. Something like this does not happen in a workplace and involve the entire staff unless it is part of the culture in that workplace.


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