Arizona county was stumped by unregistered voters, old addresses, discrepant tallies, emails reveal – IOTW Report

Arizona county was stumped by unregistered voters, old addresses, discrepant tallies, emails reveal

JTN: Following the Nov. 8 midterm elections, officials in Pima County, Ariz., struggled to determine how to handle provisional ballots cast by unregistered voters, discrepant provisional ballot totals, and ballots cast by voters with old addresses — even asking the secretary of state’s office for guidance.

The confusion and uncertainty clouding county election officials’ decision-making are revealed in newly released internal emails obtained through a public records request submitted by America First Legal Foundation.

A week after Election Day, Pima County Recorder Gabriella Cazares-Kelly wrote to Pima County Elections Director Constance Hargrove that the Recorder’s Office found that 11 unregistered voters had cast provisional ballots but was unsure what to do about them because her office was “not normally in possession of the Provisional Ballots and my team is very opposed to opening them.”

In reply, Hargrove sidestepped responsibility, writing to the recorder, “It is your call how you want to handle the provisional ballots.”

There was also an issue with poll workers providing voters ballots with their previous rather than current addresses, potentially invalidating their votes. MORE

5 Comments on Arizona county was stumped by unregistered voters, old addresses, discrepant tallies, emails reveal

  1. I’m starting to think that half the problem is
    That They seem to use different dictionaries
    At different Times
    To suit Their evolving current needs
    Of defined Legaleese.


  2. Added Texts:

    And the Judicial Judges
    That heavily ponder
    What the meanings of is
    Can mean This one day
    But That another
    Depending on which helps whose butt to cover.


    The Door opened and a distinguished looking gray haired man burst in. It’s the only way to describe his entrance trailed by a couple of deputies. He was both the oldest person in the room by 20 years, and the only one wearing a suit. He was in the building, he explained with a delighted air of a man about to secure iron clad bragging rights forever. And he just had to stop in and introduce himself to Zuckerberg.

    Hi Mark, Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI. Pleased to meet you. This is my friend. Jim.

    “This looks like a Cult”


  3. Phone ringing, I need 18,000 votes real quick.
    Meanwhile holiday tidbit.

    Kari Lake reportedly “flipped out” at a suburban 7-Eleven after buying a losing lottery ticket there on Christmas morning, multiple witnesses report.

    According to those witnesses, Lake’s failure to produce a winning result in a lottery scratcher game called Cash Craze led her to accuse the ticket machine of being rigged against her and “riddled with fraud.”

    The former anchorwoman launched into a tirade on a wide range of targets, including the “pathetic” quality of Christmas presents she had just received.

    A member of Lake’s extended family who spoke on condition of anonymity called her Christmas visit to the 7-Eleven “unfortunate” but said that “at least it got her out of the house for a few minutes.”

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