Arizona Dem: If You Marry a White Guy, You Ain’t Latina – IOTW Report

Arizona Dem: If You Marry a White Guy, You Ain’t Latina

WFB: Rep. Ruben Gallego (D., Ariz.) accused Tanya Contreras Wheeless, a Hispanic woman running for Congress in Arizona’s fourth district as a Republican, of not being authentically Latina because she took her husband’s last name.

Gallego suggested that Wheeless deliberately “hid” her Hispanic identity before running for office to avoid discrimination. “If you were Latino in Arizona around 2010 people were telling us to go back to Mexico,” he said, “you would hear I am not voting for a ‘spic.’” MORE

21 Comments on Arizona Dem: If You Marry a White Guy, You Ain’t Latina

  1. Guess there are no outstanding issues to debate?
    Arizona must be isolated from Bidenomics, socialism, totalitarianism, Judicial fiat, inflation, and hordes of rat-people crossing the border.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. ” to avoid discrimination”

    No, hiding hispanic identity is not what people do to avoid discrimination these days, sheesh.

    Everyone knows the way to avoid discrimination in 2022 is to be transgender.

    Look at it this way. Would this Gallego goon say such discriminating remarks about Tanya Contreras Wheeless if she transitioned to a dude and took “his” husband’s (non-hispanic) last name? No frickin way.

  3. “If you’re not white and marry a white person, then you’re a officially white, and all whites are racist.”

    – Gaslighting demonic racist democrat shitbag

  4. “Gallego suggested that Wheeless deliberately “hid” her Hispanic identity before running for office to avoid discrimination. “If you were Latino in Arizona around 2010 people were telling us to go back to Mexico,” he said, “you would hear I am not voting for a ‘spic.’””

    …and around 1917, Democrats whipped up so much hatred for anyone with a Germanic surname that GGrandpa had to respell it so his children wouldn’t get beaten and his house burnt down and maybe then he could get a job.

    There is always hatred out there for a last name, no matter how light or dark the owner of it may be.

    And that hatred is typically fostered by Democrats.

    For politics.

  5. I once told a black, female census worker I was Latino when she asked what race I was. You should have seen the look on her face. I explained that I had some Spanish in my ancestry so I figured I was Latino. She put white when I told her I also had English and German in me. You just can’t please some people.

  6. Looks like Gallego is referring to AOC and her very-white chronically unemployed layabout liberal boyfriend as well as entertainer Jennifer Lopez’s new white husband Ben Affleck.

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