ARIZONA: Early Indications Are That Ballots Found Shredded in Maricopa County Dumpster Are Completed Ballots from the 2020 Election – IOTW Report

ARIZONA: Early Indications Are That Ballots Found Shredded in Maricopa County Dumpster Are Completed Ballots from the 2020 Election

Gateway Pundit-

What a mess the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) have gotten themselves into.  After refusing to provide ballots to the Arizona Senate for months, as soon as the judge ordered the MCBOS to hand them over, shredded ballots are found in a dumpster.

We reported yesterday on how shredded ballots were found in a dumpster in Maricopa county:

Later in the day, a mysterious fire broke out at one of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors’ farms.  It is unknown if the incident is related to the county’s 2020 Election ballots: more

20 Comments on ARIZONA: Early Indications Are That Ballots Found Shredded in Maricopa County Dumpster Are Completed Ballots from the 2020 Election

  1. …we don’t know who did it.

    Must have been White Supremacists, they’re pretty bad this year.

    Sounds like a conspiracy theory anyway, or maybe an attempt at violent insurrection.

    Just gonna have to clamp down harder until we get all those Trump supporters in jail.

    Time for another impeachment trial I suppose.

    …maybe Hillary can have her assassin move up the Joe false flag elimination, good head fake and will let us get the guns.

    That’s what I’ll do.

    …now, where’s that gin bottle, I wanna relax by watching a live feed of that guy who put his feet up on my desk getting raped in his cell again, it gives me good dreams when I pass out to it…

  2. We need to start having public executions again for crimes like treason. There need to be real consequences and people need to see them.

  3. “Is this being presented to the Court?”

    No. Lack of standing. Or moot. Or something.

    Case dismissed!

    …now this Court will entertain
    the Dominion lawsuits and will NOT allow discovery OR allow the defense to question the legitimacy of the election AT ALL, or they’re in contempt.

    …Dominion, you may now proceed…

  4. No matter how many shredded ballots there may be, unless it can be proved how they got there and whether they were counted in the election, nothing can be done,

    The thing about chain of custody is that once it’s broken it can’t be unbroken.

  5. In the Soviet Union they had that joke: They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.

    In the Democrat Party Empire the joke will be: They pretend there are elections and we pretend to vote.

  6. Ugh. This latest news is important! But Gateway Pundit buries valid, crucial news within a nonstop graphic MESS. There is no way I’m going to repost or forward a link to a site like that and make people think I’m crazy.

  7. The Board of Supervisors needs to be locked in a room with these ballots so that they can reassemble them. Have guards with tasers watching them. When (not if) the BOS POSs resist, tase them. Although I’d almost prefer deleting them, SOMEBODY’s got to put these shredded ballots back together. The best ones for the job are the ones who authorized this action.

  8. FWIW, that looks like a pretty amateur shredding job, just a simple shredder that cuts paper into long stripe.

    Standard for document shredding for a good number of years has been shredders that cut the papers into little tiny pieces, confetti style, not long strips that can be easily reassembled. (even my little personal sized shredder I use to shred my financial documents that contain sensitive information does that).

    ALSO FWIW, there are computer programs that can easily reassemble shredded documents into exact copies of the originals in a short time, wonder why they aren’t being used to investigate these?

  9. “You guys are idiots”

    If you’re a Biden voter you should already be feeling pretty fucking stupid. Especially when you fill up you’re gas tank. Fucking loser has already killed more jobs then small pox killed Indians. And he’s bringing infect illegals in here like it’s no big deal. Admit it, you’re to stupid to vote.

  10. KEVIN

    Close; but no cigar,It was Lec Walensa (SP?) at Danzig shipyard 40 years ago.

    He was the Pole that finally got Russia out of Poland – WITH RONNY’S HELP!

  11. So everyone knows its a felony to do that to a ballots, right? I say they go to jail for a long time, they were in charge of them, so they are a fault! Go to prison!


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