Arizona filling U.S.-Mexico border wall gap this weekend – IOTW Report

Arizona filling U.S.-Mexico border wall gap this weekend


Arizona Governor Doug Ducey issued an Executive Order on Friday directing the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs to fill the gaps in the Yuma border wall starting immediately.

“Arizona has had enough,” Ducey said in a press release. “We can’t wait any longer. The Biden administration’s lack of urgency on border security is a dereliction of duty. For the last two years, Arizona has made every attempt to work with Washington to address the crisis on our border. Time and time again we’ve stepped in to clean up their mess. Arizonans can’t wait any longer for the federal government to deliver on their delayed promises.”

The Executive Order came days after the Biden administration abandoned the Remain in Mexico policy.

The governor’s office called the Biden administration’s decision “misguided.” It added that the White House has failed to secure the border, allowing transnational criminal organizations to bring more drugs over the southern border.

“Our border communities are being used as the entryway to the United States, overwhelming law enforcement, hospitals, nonprofits and residents,” Ducey said in the release. “It’s our responsibility to protect our citizens and law enforcement from this unprecedented crisis. With the resources and manpower in the right places, our Border Patrol and law enforcement will be better equipped to do their jobs well and prevent cartels from exploiting our communities. That’s exactly what our barrier mission will do.”

Arizona will use 60 double-stacked shipping containers reinforced with concertina wire at the top to secure this vulnerable part of the border. more here

5 Comments on Arizona filling U.S.-Mexico border wall gap this weekend

  1. I wonder if Gov. Lake will leave that or have the 30′ wall completed properly.
    Now the illegals here need to be deported.
    The Africans need to be stopped too.
    Catholic Charities is bringing another 300 to Maine in the next two weeks.
    They’re filthy and have a culture that is disrespectful of life and normalcy.
    That’s being nice.

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