Arizona Firm that Allegedly Sent Fake Ballots to Georgia Is Closely Tied to Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Arizona Firm that Allegedly Sent Fake Ballots to Georgia Is Closely Tied to Democrat Party

Gateway Pundit:

The Arizona firm who is named as the sender of the alleged fraudulent ballots sent to Georgia which were uncovered in a warehouse in Fulton County, has very close ties to the Democrat Party.

Yesterday we reported on the ballots from Arizona that showed up in Georgia during the 2020 election:

The ballots had mailing instructions on them which showed that the firm mailing the ballots was from Arizona. More

10 Comments on Arizona Firm that Allegedly Sent Fake Ballots to Georgia Is Closely Tied to Democrat Party

  1. The Fulton County Sheriff’s Department is neck deep in this coverup. It is a corrupt patronage organization whose main purpose is to hang around the courthouse downtown and transfer prisoners from the jail to trial.

    Those sketchy ballots were placed in the care of Sheriff Ted Jackson immediately following the Senate committee’s decision to audit. Who is Sheriff Ted Jackson?

    “Fulton County Sheriff Ted Jackson. Theodore Jackson is an accomplished senior executive with extensive experience as a field manager and a broad range of experience at FBI Headquarters in national program areas, policy budget, and management.”.

    FBI HQ…you don’t say! Sounds like a good candidate for Director, Joe. Especially if he helps deliver Georgia.

  2. The deepsters are well connected and keep the tax loot and commie bribes circulating inside to select members among the (mostly) Demrats mafia. This is both government treason, Communist attacks and mob boss crime blended by a huge nest of vermin no longer hidden behind the walls of openly crooked and vile American politics.
    We can SEE them running through our house.
    What are we going to do to fix things, America?

  3. From what I have read and seen for many decades and particularly in the past couple of days, the Dems and progressives are living in another world when it comes to the notion of election integrity. In their minds, an election is fraudulent if every Democrat vote is not counted, including the ones who don’t vote — and/or if the (chosen) Dems don’t win. That may seem like a flippant remark, but they are dead serious and is justification for decades of judicial and legislative erosion of true election integrity and the desperate antics being uncovered now.

    To them, people who didn’t vote fully intended to vote Democrat, and Democrats are destined and entitled to lead/control us, so helping things along makes perfect sense.

    To them, people who vote Republican are ignorant, bigoted and/or just evil, so anything done to minimize their vote is justified.

    The true villains in this are not the Dems, but the Republicans who have passively enabled this behavior for longer than I have been around. Dozens, hundreds of elections stolen and they still cannot find a backbone. There is nothing noble or honorable about failing to look for, investigate and protest fraud. It is downright seditious to have allowed the persistent degradation of election integrity with no productive action taken to correct it during the many times they have enjoyed dominance in Congress and the White House.

    On further review, I am, perhaps, too harsh in my judgement of Republicans, but not by much. They have had to deal with a judiciary that has made it very difficult, if not impossible, to defend or increase election integrity. That judiciary is partially their fault, as they, again, have failed to capitalize on those occasions when they have had the ability to impact the makeup of the courts. Of course, it hasn’t seemed to have benefited us much to have had three Trump justices on the Supreme Court.

  4. Execute the perpetrators.
    That’s the only thing they’ll take seriously.
    Electoral Fraud is TREASON – not some trifling play for advantage.
    The fraudsters, their financiers, and the judges who wink and nod at the fraud.

    The fact that no branch of Gov has attempted to make electoral fraud a capital offense should tell us all we need to know about their opinions on electoral integrity, the sovereignty of We, the People, and our choices. We’ve KNOWN for decades that the Demonrats embrace fraud and deceit – but the fact is: so do the “Republicans.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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