Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey(R) Relies on Never Trumper David French to Justify Gun Control Push – IOTW Report

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey(R) Relies on Never Trumper David French to Justify Gun Control Push


Breitbart: Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s (R) media and communications wing is using Never Trumper David French to justify the Governor’s current gun control push.

Ducey has been angling to add gun control to Arizona, one of the most gun-friendly states in the Union, ever since the February 14, 2018, Parkland school shooting in Florida. The central component to Ducey’s gun control push is a Red Flag law that creates STOP Orders. Such orders allow guns to be confiscated from Arizonans.

On August 15, 2018, the AZ Capitol quoted Ducey describing his STOP (Severe Threat Order of Protection) as the “crown jewel” of a gun control push that began after Parkland.

He said, “I think the STOP plan — the Severe Threat Order of Protection — is the crown jewel of our safe schools plan.” He added, “It’s the one tool that could have eliminated the mass shootings that have happened in other places in the country.”

In reality, confiscatory Red Flag Laws have not stopped some of the highest profile shootings in our nation’s recent history. more here

19 Comments on Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey(R) Relies on Never Trumper David French to Justify Gun Control Push

  1. CA has a law prohibiting off-duty cops from carrying in bars. There were off-duty cops at the Borderline Bar & Grill the night of the shooting, I think at least one was among the dead. Really effective law there CA, increases deaths rather than reduce them.

  2. Yeah…… we’re currently experiencing “technical difficulties”with our Governor. We appreciate your patience while we sort this issue out.

  3. Well, he just lost my vote. I wonder how many thousands of other Arizona voters are thinking the same thing right about now.

    Signed: A United States Marine (Ret)

  4. The main problem with “red flag” laws is that they always ignore the constitutional protections and requirements for due process, confronting witnesses and prosecutors, public trials by juries, etc.

    Correct those deficiencies before you can ever expect me to even give even consideration to supporting one.

    I admit there are some people who should not be allowed to have guns, but I haven’s seen any evidence that restrictive laws aimed at cooperative law abiding citizens have ever done anything to prevent them from getting anything they want any time they want it.

  5. Looks like he just declared himself a one term Governor! I won’t be voting for him, and I can see him getting primaried by a shitload of ACTUAL Republicans!

  6. DAMN! Whoever helped spawn John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, maybe “the turtle” and other egregious asshole rinos sure has been busy. Area 51 remnants??

  7. Dooucy is a Rove/Obama UNIPARTY man. has been such for many years! As I said 3 weeks ago when it was said he’d pull Nike’s subsidies. The UNIPART likes colin. So, was I right?


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