Arizona: Governor Douchey Vetoes 22 Bills on Friday Including a Pro-Election Integrity Bill – IOTW Report

Arizona: Governor Douchey Vetoes 22 Bills on Friday Including a Pro-Election Integrity Bill

His excuse:

Today, I vetoed 22 bills. Some are good policy, but with one month left until the end of the fiscal year, we need to focus first on passing a budget. That should be priority one. The other stuff can wait. 1/

Gateway Pundit- – This Guy Hates the People of Arizona.

Arizona Republican Governor Ducey vetoed 22 bills on Friday just before the Memorial Day Holiday weekend.  His actions are more and more reprehensible as the days go by. more here

14 Comments on Arizona: Governor Douchey Vetoes 22 Bills on Friday Including a Pro-Election Integrity Bill

  1. We need to focus first on passing a budget… election integrity and honesty can wait.

    Did he say this with his tongue sticking out like a five year old focusing on a single-task of trying tie her shoes? It should be possible to do two things at once Dougy-poo!

  2. Focus on passing the budget? WTF? The legislature already completed the “hard work” on the bills, all this schmuck had to do was sign them! It would have taken less time than his stupid tweet explaining why he didn’t! I thought Arizona was better than this.

  3. Miss Kitty MAY 31, 2021 AT 10:32 AM “This guy thinks he is going to be President one day,…” Never say never when it comes tyrants. They never give up. We have lost our country because people thought the commie dems couldn’t get elected.

  4. “… because people thought the commie dems couldn’t get elected.”

    They couldn’t – people were right.
    That’s why they (dems) resorted to subterfuge, fraud, lies, and usurpation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. He was paid well by the Chinese to run interference on any fraud probes as well as efforts to take corrective measures, just like the scumbag in Georgia and others elsewhere.

  6. Even when AZ was a bright red state 30 years ago, it was plagued by an incredibly ruthless and vicious Democratic Party

    And the tactic was always the same: trump up some event that somehow demonstrated bigotry and then say: Prove to the rest of the country that AZ isnt backward or bigoted by .. voting McCain or voting Janet Napolitano for governor, or voting for a six foot blonde lesbian for Senator

    They’ve been doing this number since Barry “Nukem” Goldwater

  7. And of course, as elsewhere, the Dems play up one thing (EV MECHAM!)and downplays others

    For example in the year 1946, ASU had a black football player named Morrison Warren. When it came time to play Hardin Simmons college in West Texas, a demand was made to leave MW in Tempe. ASU refused and took a forfeit. This decision was then ratified by a student referendum.

    This act helped put the Sun Devils on the map, as ultra talented black players from out of state such as Charlie Taylor (3rd player drafted) and JD Hill (4th player; 1st non-QB drafted)

    But does any pol ever bring this up in answering any of these slanders? Even ASU itself honors Morrison Warren but SKIPS the part about the student referendum!!

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