Arizona governor issues executive order creating penalties for city vaccine mandates – IOTW Report

Arizona governor issues executive order creating penalties for city vaccine mandates

Just The News: Gov. Doug Ducey issued an executive order on Tuesday to enforce state law against city and county governments requiring their employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine in response to Tucson’s vaccine mandate for city employees.

“We encourage all Arizonans to get the vaccine — it’s safe, effective and free,” the governor said in a news release. “But getting it is a personal choice, and we will not allow discrimination based on vaccination status.” more

5 Comments on Arizona governor issues executive order creating penalties for city vaccine mandates

  1. In Texas, democrat run towns and judges keep ordering illegal mask mandates. This is the latest crux point of anarcho-tyranny by the worthless, piece of shit, evil democrats scum from Hell.

    I guarantee you that from now on when any area is flipped from GOP to democrat control, the first thing democrats are going to do is order everyone to wear a fucking mask and then shut down the fucking schools. Later, they’ll up the ante to double masking, vaccinations, and lock-downs.

    People need to stop being reasonable with democrat and RINO globalist fascist fucking scum. Be unreasonable with these fucking pricks.


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