Arizona Joins Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit For Total of 19 States Suing Over Election Integrity – IOTW Report

Arizona Joins Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit For Total of 19 States Suing Over Election Integrity

USSA News:

Arizona has joined 18 other states in supporting Texas’s lawsuit in SCOTUS against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, over election integrity.

As National File previously reported, the crux of the Texas lawsuit is that the swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin violated their duties under the US Constitution, by illegally altering legislated election laws, treating voters unequally, and allowing numerous voting irregularities to take place as a result. more here

h/t Ramroddoc

20 Comments on Arizona Joins Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit For Total of 19 States Suing Over Election Integrity

  1. @ Eponymous DECEMBER 10, 2020 AT 10:02 AM

    Any AG who can be shown to have known of the election fraud/election theft taking place in their state who files a brief on the defense side of this case has become an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the coup de ta. Coup de ta = treason and there is only one just sentence for treason.

  2. At least they’re in FINALLY. Damn foot draggers here in my state. AND we’re still stuck with 2…count ’em, 2 Dem senators…How in the HELL..
    Yes, when angry I sputter when I type !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Just sent this to Ohio’s AG Dave Yost (R):

    I and hundreds of thousands of Ohio Republicans are sorely disappointed that Ohio has not yet joined the current Supreme Court case Texas v. Pennsylvania concerning federal election integrity. Our votes have potentially been diluted due to the illegal election practices of other states. This is completely unacceptable. We demand that Ohio join this lawsuit immediately. It is your duty to protect the citizens of the state of Ohio. Please do so in this case.

  4. Thirty eight percent of the states of the union are interested enough to at least state that they are hopping on board a disenfranchisement law suit against four states that committed obvious and obnoxious voter fraud for the communists… sorry, democrats… oh never mind, walks like a duck, talks like a duck.

  5. I realize that I am NOT American, but please for the love of God, spell “Coup d’etat” which means “Hit(strike) by the state” from the French – France has had a number of coup d’etat’s over the course of its history.

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