Arizona Judge Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally – IOTW Report

Arizona Judge Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally

Gateway Pundit: A Yavapai County judge last week ruled in favor of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club and Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections in a recent lawsuit that seeks to prohibit the Arizona Secretary of State from enforcing illegal election procedures relating to mail-in ballot signature verification.

Judge John Napper rejected the Motions to Dismiss filed by Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a former cartel lawyer, and Mi Familia Vota, a Democrat nonprofit. A status conference has been set for Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

The Judge notes in his order:

“The Court finds the Special Action states claim upon which relief can be granted. The Court finds the Plaintiffs have correctly defined registration record. The 2019 EPM creates a process that contradicts the plain language of A.R.S. §16-550(A). Therefore, this portion of the EPM and the instruction from the Secretary do ‘not have the force of law.’”

This is how they steal elections in Arizona. Hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots are trafficked or inserted with no chain of custody documentation, and someone forges a signature. Sometimes, all it takes is a random scribble on the affidavit. more

5 Comments on Arizona Judge Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally

  1. “Yavapai County Judge”. Yavapai is arguably the most conservative county in the state. Watch an appeals judge in Maricopa county reverse this decision. Got to protect the cartels and their chosen candidates.

  2. Arizona’s had stolen “elections” since the 1880s – probably before that.
    They really should be better at it … not so heavy-handed.
    Probably just plain lazy after stealing so many.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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