Arizona: Lake brings new evidence – IOTW Report

Arizona: Lake brings new evidence

Kari Lake’s legal team alleged that 58% of Maricopa County’s 446 ballot tabulators failed logic and accuracy testing before Election Day.


As Kari Lake’s legal team provided new evidence in its Arizona gubernatorial election challenge during a court hearing on Friday, counsel for defendants Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) and Maricopa County election officials sought to dismiss the case.

Last Thursday, the Arizona Supreme Court ordered court proceedings to take place “forthwith” regarding Lake’s claim that Maricopa County’s violated its signature verification practices in last year’s general election. The court granted one sanction but denied the attorneys’ fees defendants had requested.

Lake, the Arizona GOP gubernatorial nominee, fell about 17,000 votes short in the 2022 election against then-Secretary of State Hobbs. She is suing Hobbs, the current Democratic governor, in addition to Fontes and Maricopa County election officials, requesting that the election results be invalidated or that she be declared the winner.

Lake’s legal team filed a motion for relief from judgment on Tuesday for Count II, which was previously dismissed by both that trial court and the Arizona Supreme Court, concerning alleged illegal ballot-on-demand printer and tabulator configurations.

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17 Comments on Arizona: Lake brings new evidence

  1. It don’t matter…the steal is real and permanent.

    If you argue the sky is blue these people are always gonna prove it’s a diversity of colors depending on the color of your skin. And no matter what they will always claim the moral highway to do so.

    America and Americans are obsolete – the Global States of Disarray are here to stay.

    And I don’t think even gunfire will restore what has been lost.

  2. “And I don’t think even gunfire will restore what has been lost.”

    I beg to differ. We are dealing with highly organized group of cowards. Put one across their bow and watch them scurry for cover. We just need to find a group with enough balls to try it.

  3. Smoke and mirrors. Keep that glimmer of hope until the self appointed royalty has solidified their plans.
    You will accept or disappear/suicided/die.

  4. The courts are infested by treasonous filth which has no interest in “justice.”
    No interest in even the pretense of “justice.”

    Basically, the courts exist to employ lawyers and other assorted parasites. If the courts ever had a legitimate function, it has long passed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Let’s wait and see – the judge will rule probably tomorrow, on allowing the new evidence, which is truly a bombshell. See video below for detailed analysis.

    Kari Lake Oral Arguments on 2022 Election Malfeasance
    Watching the Watchers Live with Robert Gouveia
    Robert Gouveia is an Arizona criminal lawyer, he’s perky, handsome, has a sense of humor, dead serious, and detailed. I recommend him. Of course he has to do a couple commercials during his programs – but he does them with humor – so I forgive him for that.

  6. The majority of the Courts are dead, but Carrie Lake does not give up, you got to like that about her.
    Katie Hobbs is there to keep the borders open and to keep the elections dishonest.
    We have a government that is trying to break the system and us with it.
    The US government is paying for illegals every step of the way to get here and then putting them into the system for future democrat/communist voters and they know it. Lord help us.

  7. The stealing of America is a done deal between China, Satan, and the “Biden Industrial Quid Pro Quos” who have been bought and paid for by the vile Nazi Soros.

    If war and gunfire erupts the swamp and the spineless metrosexual military men like Vindman have resources in place.

    Sporadic places like “New AMERICA” OR THE “FREESTATE of Jones-Smith” may pop up but will not last long enough to expend their ammunition.

    Sorry, but Biblical Prophecy doesn’t see it. Instead the spirit of lawlessness will dominate until Christ returns.

  8. And btw has anyone realized the illegals are not here to increase voter turnout for Dems but rather to replace the “White Supremicists” who will be killed off because they will never give up MAGA and the illegals don’t know or yearn for it. Think

    Elections, governments, and voting is done my friends, the Biden Republic is here.


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