Arizona Lawmaker Introduces First-Ever Resolution Against Court-Packing – IOTW Report

Arizona Lawmaker Introduces First-Ever Resolution Against Court-Packing

Virginia Star: A newly-elected member of the Arizona House of Representatives Tuesday announced a resolution calling for a Constitutional amendment against court-packing.

“Democrats’ stated intentions to abuse our nation’s constitutional separation of powers by packing the Supreme Court are not merely an assault on the rule of law, they are a blatant attempt to politicize the world’s most respected legal body,” State Representative-elect Jake Hoffman (R-AZ-12) said in a press release. “Protecting the independence and integrity of the United States Supreme Court is an ethical and moral imperative that rises to a level of public policy importance rivaled by few other issues.”

President-elect Joe Biden, when asked whether his administration plans to lead the charge on packing the Supreme Court, said he will convene a commission “how to reform the court system,” which he says is “getting out of whack.”

Court-packing refers to adding Supreme Court Justices to the bench, and has been raised in response to the October confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Court, which some believe gave conservatives a 6-3 majority that could block left-wing policy initiatives. more

6 Comments on Arizona Lawmaker Introduces First-Ever Resolution Against Court-Packing

  1. Nice effort I guess-won’t go anywhere. Besides why should the left bother with adding more SCJs when they have the Court cowed right now?

    They have more important things to do like labeling us as domestic terrorists or making owning an unregistered weapon a felony.

  2. These idiots either don’t realize They’ve been swept aside for eternity, or

    They are back on the old “We’re fighting for You (wink wink)” Platform that got

    Us all of those Brave Assholes Who did nothing once They achieved Power during

    the end of the 0’bama Administration…. “Feculent Blather”



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