Arizona lawmakers move to return to paper ballots, hand counts – IOTW Report

Arizona lawmakers move to return to paper ballots, hand counts

(The Center Square) – Legislators have given early approval to a bill that would ban the use of voting machines and require the millions of Arizona’s electoral ballots to be counted by hand. 

The Senate Government Committee voted along party lines Monday to move forward Senate Bill 1338. Sponsored by Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, the measure would ban the use of electronic voting and electronic or other tabulating devices in any election in Arizona. It also would mandate precinct polling places, forbidding the current system of more consolidated voting centers.

“There is nothing more important than the preservation of our democracy,” Rogers told the committee. “This is brave what we’re trying to do here. We must do this.”

Multiple witnesses said counting more than 3 million ballots across the state in the hours after polls close presents a massive lift. Rogers insisted the state would have plenty of volunteers to do the job. 

“They’re willing to go anywhere in the state,” Rogers said. “There would be enough people volunteering around the state to come to your district and mine, if necessary.” read more

18 Comments on Arizona lawmakers move to return to paper ballots, hand counts

  1. And while they’re at it, get rid of voting by mail in Washington state. I hate voting by mail, it makes it too easy to cheat on elections. I have no problem with voting in person like we did before 2004 when the democraps illegally hosed Dino Rossi for Governor by cheating and finding a lot of votes with the same address, using those to give us Chris Gregoire and even worse more shithead democrap governors since then including Jay Inslee whom I despise.

  2. “Multiple witnesses said counting more than 3 million ballots across the state in the hours after polls close presents a massive lift.”

    That would be true if you have one little old lady doing the counting of all the ballots. However, the counting would be spread across multiple precincts and done by multiple people. Correct??

  3. “…counting more than 3 million ballots across the state in the hours after polls close presents a massive lift.”

    And yet it was done that way for centuries. Know what’s a heavy lift? Waiting days and weeks for Democrats to fiddle with their dropboxes and computers to figure out how many votes they need to manufacture.

  4. I am for this.
    Having said that, stay away from punch cards (hanging chads anyone?) Though the dems would probably order recounts and identify any tiny dot as someone intending to vote for that candidate

  5. There is nothing more important than the preservation of our democracy

    Because it’s the Bolsheviks!…? The Red Chinese!…? The… uh… Russians?

    Anyway… It’s somebody who’s trying to keep the system that cheated you to here, in power, cheating away… yes, now, throw your wallets, please… that you need to kneel to. To STOP THE CHEATING! That they won’t overturn. Because… uh… it’s Legal(TM) cheating. And… not who they are.

    Ooh, look! Time for another vote. And wallet collection!

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