Arizona: Libertarian Senate candidate Drops Out, Endorses Blake Masters – IOTW Report

Arizona: Libertarian Senate candidate Drops Out, Endorses Blake Masters

Blake Masters has wholeheartedly endorsed positions very favorable to libertarians. He has indicated he will be extremely in favor of gun rights and extremely against Covid mandates and vaccine tyranny. Story

3 Comments on Arizona: Libertarian Senate candidate Drops Out, Endorses Blake Masters

  1. Libertarianism suffers the same fatal flaw that socialism and communism do. It depends on every individual doing the right (good, well intended and correct) thing at the right time in every circumstance to avoid collapse into dictatorship or tribal barbarianism. Since we are human beings running the gamut as we do, such a circumstance on which those systems depend can only be guaranteed to NEVER EXIST.

  2. Capitalism depends on people acting in their own self-interest. Someone’s self-interest is most readily achieved by serving others well. Hence, the way to get people to help take care of others is to use a system (capitalism) that rewards others for doing good to their fellow man. Level the playing field and capitalism always wins. The citizens are happiest, healthiest, and most prosperous.

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