Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri file suit to stop Biden from ending Title 42 border policy – IOTW Report

Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri file suit to stop Biden from ending Title 42 border policy

JustTheNews: Three Republican-led states Monday announced they have filed a suit to prevent the Biden administration from lifting the Trump-era, public health order known as Title 42 to has allow to keep illegal migrants and others out of the U.S. during the pandemic.

Attorneys general in Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri filed the suit in U.S. District Court Western District of Louisiana  Lafayette Division.

President Trump activated the 1940s law near the start of the pandemic as the related COVID-19 death toll soared.

While many have expected the law would eventually have to be deactivated, as case numbers drop, they also argue the administration still has no plan to address the expected, resulting surge of migrants at the border.

“This suit challenges an imminent, man-made, self-inflicted calamity: the abrupt elimination of the only safety valve preventing this administration’s disastrous border policies from devolving into an unmitigated catastrophe,” reads the suit. READ MORE

5 Comments on Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri file suit to stop Biden from ending Title 42 border policy



    …I wonder if they’ll want me to train The Black Person (she’s not sure if she’s a woman so I can’t be either, I’m not a biologist) how to do this? Or would that be Whitesplaining?

    It’s the most important part of my job, and since she’s Black and Democrat she HAS to be Chief, but before I retire I need her to rule that I can diddle kids freely once I’m OFF the bench too or no deal.

  2. Can we just abolish Congress?
    We were told over and over again by obama immigration is a federal issue, which btw only seemed to apply when Trump clamped down.

    For decades now, Congress is NOT a legislative body, they’re a fund raising donor pleasing body. Per Nancy’s dictate they don’t have to show up for hearings and can vote on pet projects by proxy.

    It’s left to the States to sue when laws aren’t being followed….yet it’s a federal issue?

    We’re being played. Taxation without representation.

  3. The best and ONLY way to “file suit” against Teh Gooberment’s lifting of Title 42 is to send armed citizens down to the border crossings and start shooting those coming across illegally.
    Suppressed sub-sonic would be nice. And well camo’ed. Good intel and commo (frequency hopping spread spectrum). Among many other points to ponder.

  4. Joe Biden, who is a lifelong and known grifter, profiteer, sneak, all-around sleazebag, and chronic liar has every intention of putting illegals to human trafficking of every type in and outside of the US including those kids he demands to be kept locked in cages for predators’ uses. There is NO “humanitarian” bone in his impotent broke-down greed-saturated busted body and those who have known him for a long time acknowledge these facts about the race supremacist as well as they know the facts about his mouth-breathing crakhed son.

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