Arizona: Maricopa Didn’t Give a Crap That 60% of Machines Rejected Ballots – IOTW Report

Arizona: Maricopa Didn’t Give a Crap That 60% of Machines Rejected Ballots

Gateway Pundit:
HUGE: Maricopa County Officials KNEW About Ballot Paper and Ink Concerns Before Arizona 2022 Election, Still Allowed 60% of Machines to Reject Ballots on Election Day – Elon Musk Responds!

As Arizona voters remember the rigged 2022 election, stolen by the corrupt Democrats and Trump-hating RINO Maricopa County officials, new details have emerged showing that Maricopa County officials were put on notice about potential tabulator issues but did nothing. 

As The Gateway Pundit readers know, the polls opened at 7 am on November 8, 2022, and 60% of voting machines in Maricopa County, where roughly 60% of the state’s voters reside, began rejecting in-person votes. This created four-hour wait times and disenfranchised the majority-Republican in-person voters at most of the voting locations across the county of more than 2.4 million voters.

Republican voters were told to place their ballots into a suspicious bin and trust that the ballot would be transported off-site to be counted by someone, but they had no idea what would really happen. It was chaos. more

12 Comments on Arizona: Maricopa Didn’t Give a Crap That 60% of Machines Rejected Ballots

  1. new details have emerged showing that Maricopa County officials were put on notice about potential tabulator issues but did nothing.

    Sure they did nothing because there appears to be no consequence for this lawlessness

  2. I visit AZ a lot. We have a lot of family there. My impression of AZ is it’s not a blue state. As the media constantly paints it. It’s a red state controlled by about a coup of 100. WTF? Honestly AZ. Kill these fuckers. I’d love to hear from some AZ residents on this.

  3. I love in the great state of Arizona. Bad Brad is pretty much correct. Reliance on the judicial is why nothing much has changed. But also know this, the socialists have been throwing hobs of money and lawyers into AZ. Huge l leftist support from outside of AZ.


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