Arizona: Phoenix Billboard Depicting Trump as Nazi Was Funded by Taxpayers – IOTW Report

Arizona: Phoenix Billboard Depicting Trump as Nazi Was Funded by Taxpayers


Libs are so original.

WFB: A billboard depicting President Donald Trump as a Nazi in downtown Phoenix, Ariz. was funded with taxpayer dollars, according to Judicial Watch.

The conservative watchdog group obtained records that reveal the controversial billboard was commissioned by an “arts advocate” paid by a U.S. city to “diminish barriers.”

The billboard depicts an angry looking Trump wearing a Russian flag pin on his lapel. The president is shown in front of two mushroom clouds, which are in the shape of laughing clowns, and two dollar symbols that are modified from the Nazi swastika symbol.

The billboard is owned by Beatrice Moore, a longtime art benefactor. The controversial billboard was designed by artist Karen Fiorito, who claimed she has received death threats as a result of her work.  According to records from the city of Phoenix, Moore received thousands of dollars in grants for a program she runs called Grand Avenue Arts & Preservation (GAP), which is where the billboard is located.  more

10 Comments on Arizona: Phoenix Billboard Depicting Trump as Nazi Was Funded by Taxpayers

  1. The citizens of Phoenix out to petition the city council to cancel whatever arrangement they have with this Moore character and ban her from any further contracts. As far as the artist goes I suspect the death threats are just bullshit to try to raise her profile and get invited to better parties where they serve food.

  2. Yeah. That ain’t art.

    Fun fact that I learned from one of my far lefties…Nazi doesn’t mean what you think it means. It means “backward peasant”. So, if you call someone a Nazi you are just saying they are dumb and ignorant.

  3. If the Antifa were old & Wise, and had travelled to Foriegn Capitals in Bad Countries…they would know the False Kings all put up Billboards – Wall signs and huge Stutues to themselves. This follows History Exactly Backward.
    It makes no sense at all.

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