Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Changes Political Status to “Independent”, But the Senate Dynamic Will Not Change – IOTW Report

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Changes Political Status to “Independent”, But the Senate Dynamic Will Not Change

CTH: Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced she is changing her political affiliation to “independent”, a smart and strategic status considering her upcoming Arizona election challenge.

As an independent in the Senate, not much will really change as far as the voting and caucusing is concerned. However, from the standpoint of having to gain votes for reelection in Arizona and accepting the complete chaos that is now Arizona voting, the strategy will likely play well.

As a Democrat Sinema was likely to face a well-funded primary challenge from her left, while simultaneously she will likely face a strong opponent from the Republican side, by taking a place to avoid the primary and position herself as a third-party candidate, she can likely carve out enough votes to win a 3-way race. MORE

8 Comments on Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Changes Political Status to “Independent”, But the Senate Dynamic Will Not Change

  1. It very easy to pick a side of the aisle. To play the middle is most likely certain death. Here is someone who is voted in to make the difficult decisions but alas can not & has not. Say your goodbyes time for a change in that Senate seat is way overdue.

  2. The Senate climate will never change.
    Because they are all self-serving criminals.
    Red/blue, ass/elephant is an overplayed farce.

    How many billion$ were laundered in Yookrain?? But let’s audit Trump’s tax returns again, never the members of both Houses.

  3. A month-back my cousin’s step-mum basically earnt $2,900 just sitting there twelve hours a week in their apartment and they’re best friend’s mother-in-law`s neighbour has been doing this for nine months and easily made more than $12,000 part-time from their laptop.
    Apply the instructions on this site.. w­w­w.P­r­o­f­i­t­G­u­r­u­7.c­o­m

  4. Sinema is not leaving the party. She’ll caucus with the dems, vote with the dems, and do everything else that she had done with the dems. She’s only trying to pull a Manchin faux-conservative democrat move. The problem is Manchin had done it so many times that she had to throw in the independent move to be believable.

  5. There’s nothing that has changed. Cindy’s comment above is true. Changing a character behind your name does not change who you are inside your brain. I’m waiting for Trump to call himself an Independent, he’ll split the ticket. He’s trailing in the polls. He’ll do it to get even with the people who dissed him. He was good for America at the time, I have no idea who can run and win for our side.

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