Arizona: Supervisor Remains Stoic In Face Of Harassing Emails And Scary Voicemails – IOTW Report

Arizona: Supervisor Remains Stoic In Face Of Harassing Emails And Scary Voicemails

ADI: For the last several months Cochise County Supervisor Peggy Judd has kept an alarming secret from the public.

Judd has gained notoriety as one of the two supervisors who has pushed for a full hand count audit of the county’s 2020 General Election results.

“I believed a hand count audit would have shown everyone that our elections in Cochise County have been beyond criticism. And I still do,” she told Arizona Daily Independent.

But as Judd has withstood political pressure and multiple lawsuits stemming from her desire to prove how well the county’s 2022 election was run, she has been inundated with emails attacking her intelligence, physical appearance, and the possibility she would end up in prison for the votes she made. more

5 Comments on Arizona: Supervisor Remains Stoic In Face Of Harassing Emails And Scary Voicemails

  1. I hope she’s armed.

    Looks like the tolerant totalitarians are showing just how tolerant they are.

    Makes you wonder why they fear and election audit, doesn’t it?
    (not really … everybody knows that cheaters cheat, liars lie, and demonrats steal elections cuz they can’t win on their agenda)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. We know, they know we know, we know they know we know, they know we know they know we know.
    They just have to keep it at bay for one more cycle and they can count on it to die down a bit so they can rinse and repeat.

    They won’t stop voluntarily, the power is too satisfying, the destruction too delicious and the pleasure of getting away with it too gratifying to their evil filled souls. They queer our kids and STILL we allow them to go ahead.

    They will be forced to stop or they will never stop.

  3. My brother answered my phone when I was breeding chocolate Labradors and had my number on the back of my truck. It was some fucking retard who had a problem with the Protect Human Life sticker on the rear canopy window threatening to beat my ass. My brother simply asked the guy what time he would be stopping by, he told the guy he didn’t want to miss watching as he got the living shit beat out of him.

    Never heard form the guy again.


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