Arizona Woman arrested For sending 65,000 texts to man after first date – IOTW Report

Arizona Woman arrested For sending 65,000 texts to man after first date

KFI: If you think you’ve had some bad first dates, a guy in Phoenix probably has you beat. After meeting 31-year-old Jacqueline Ades online, he went out on a date with her. While he didn’t think she was a match for him, she fell in love with him, telling her local news, “I felt like I met my soulmate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine.” Jacqueline then sent him 65,000 texts sometimes 500 in a single day. She went on to send him threatening messages and stalk him, which ultimately got her arrested.  read more

15 Comments on Arizona Woman arrested For sending 65,000 texts to man after first date

  1. AaaaaaaWwwwwwwwww
    Poor kid, maybe she likes him.

    If sending emails can be a criminal offense,
    why can’t I imprison every business person that sends me an unsolicited email ad ?


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