Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Rejects Arizona Senate Subpoena Demands – Now Face Contempt Charges – IOTW Report

Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Rejects Arizona Senate Subpoena Demands – Now Face Contempt Charges

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has again rebuked the Arizona Senate and the people of Arizona by refusing to provide a date for when they will turn over ballots and machines for the Senate to audit:

18 Comments on Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Rejects Arizona Senate Subpoena Demands – Now Face Contempt Charges

  1. @RM, Correct! Remember the old saying: “Truth does not fear investigation.” They are afraid of what they have done. However, nothing and I mean nothing will be done about it. They will drag this out until 2040.

  2. If you are a dem, especially if you are black or a queer, you don’t have to obey the law. And no judge you make you obey the law. They might as well drop the whole thing because it will never be enforced.

    The dept of education sued Yale Univ under Trump because the head of Yale got down on his knees to the blacks and ‘admitted’ that they have been a racist instituion. The problem with that is that the federal gov’t prohibits giving money to institutions that act in a racist manner. Of course the suit was “ongoing” because once again, judges do not make dems obey the law.

    So now that the dems have the DOJ back, it was just announced that the Fed Gov’t is dropping its lawsuit against Yale and is not providing any comment as to why.

    See, Yale admitted to breaking the discrimination laws, and they don’t have worry about being held accountable because, you know, there are N-WORDS involved.

    The sooner we have a civil war, the better, as far as I’m concerned.

  3. Does anyone actually believe there’s any evidence left to examine? These vermin aren’t stupid – they’ve had 3 months to wipe every trace of their crimes from those machines. Kinda difficult to get much out of shredded circuit boards, smashed chips, and hard drives wiped with a cloth.

  4. white house is hiring ,must have extensive criminal back ground ,be able to work in extreme pressure to hide shit , from the people you work for send resume to the Hillary foundation

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