Arkansas governor just ended his political career on CNN – IOTW Report

Arkansas governor just ended his political career on CNN

CFP: Asa Hutchinson says he wouldn’t support Trump in 2024

“No, I wouldn’t. It’s time, and he’s got a good family, I’ve worked with Ivanka and others, and they love America. But I would not support him for re-election in 2024.” more

20 Comments on Arkansas governor just ended his political career on CNN

  1. ….”and they love America. But I would not support him for re-election in 2024.”

    IOW…I’d rather watch the Chinese and all the illegals take over this country because I’m a complete, non-American dumb-shit.

  2. It is really quite telling how the Republican establishment fails to have any respect for the man who got more legitimate votes, and by a wide margin, than any other Presidential candidate ever.

  3. Notice how none of these clowns have anything near a work ethic?
    Like lawyers, they only need to be ready with a speech. What exactly does a governor do?
    In comes Trump, with more energy than any 10 of the parasite class that has convinced themselves of their superiority, and he just plain makes them look feckless and incompetent.
    But when all public media is wholly owned by the demonic party, what can be done?

  4. He doesn’t think Trump should get reelected to office because he has a good family. (implying he has a good private life)

    But Asa holds office, implying his personal life is a mess?

    And no one should hold office, unless their personal life is a mess. So they should run our lives?

  5. RINOs are even dumber than CPUSA/Dems. At least they know how strong POTUS Trump’s base is! They wouldn’t have had to steal an election if they were totally clueless.

  6. Join the dark side – that’s where the money is.

    Prudence, honor, honesty, and fidelity are for suckers.

    Wanna have fun? Unlimited perverted sex? Drugs? L’il chillens? Kill the innocent? War? Famine? Pestilence? Death?

    Just sign right there …

  7. Crazy GOP rats, scrambling under the scrutiny of light
    FEBRUARY 22, 2021 AT 2:08 AM
    “He doesn’t think Trump should get reelected to office because he has a good family. (implying he has a good private life)

    But Asa holds office, implying his personal life is a mess?

    And no one should hold office, unless their personal life is a mess. So they should run our lives?”

    “Sunshine go away today

    I don’t feel much like dancing

    Some man’s gone he’s tried to run my life

    Don’t know what he’s asking

    Working starts to make me wonder where

    The fruits of what I do are going

    He says in love and war all is fair

    But he’s got cards he ain’t showing

    How much does it cost, I’ll buy it
    The time is all we’ve lost, I’ll try it

    But he can’t even run his own life
    I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine”

  8. Crazy GOP rats, scrambling under the scrutiny of light
    FEBRUARY 22, 2021 AT 2:08 AM

    “And no one should hold office, unless their personal life is a mess. So they should run our lives?”

    …the Bible says this about pastors, but it should apply to secular leaders as well…

    “4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;

    5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)”
    1 Timothy 3-4

  9. Wasn’t his father a mailman? Oh yeah that was John “I balanced the budget’ Kasich. All these wannabee has-beens hate Trump because he is a winner. None would stand up against election fraud, illegal immigration and Chyna, china china. All in the trash bin of the GOPe. Please clap… (ok Jeb, ok Boomer).

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