Arkansas judge joined death-penalty protests on same day he blocked executions – IOTW Report

Arkansas judge joined death-penalty protests on same day he blocked executions

WT: An Arkansas judge attended two death-penalty protests on the same day that he issued an order blocking the state’s multiple executions, at one point allowing himself to be strapped to a cot in a simulation of an inmate slated to die by lethal injection.

Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Wendell Griffen “cannot be considered remotely impartial on issues related to the death penalty,” said Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge in an emergency petition filed Saturday challenging his order.

She said Mr. Griffen attended a 2 p.m. Friday rally at the state capitol in Little Rock before issuing the temporary restraining order at about 4:25 p.m., then resurfaced at an evening protest outside the governor’s mansion.

“Within an hour of granting the TRO [temporary restraining order], Judge Griffen was photographed at a second anti-death penalty rally — this one at the Governor’s Mansion, where Judge Griffen lay strapped down to a cot to simulate the experience of a condemned prisoner on a gurney,” said the petition. “Judge Griffen was protesting the very executions he had just enjoined.”  MORE

SNIP: Hey Judge, you couldn’t stop by a nail salon before you took that photo with those unfortunate feet slipped into those recycled tire flip flops?

21 Comments on Arkansas judge joined death-penalty protests on same day he blocked executions

  1. Impeach his sorry ass. He can’t even maintain the pretense of impartiality.
    Judges are scum-sucking parasites, but they’re not supposed to LET ON that they’re scum-sucking parasites.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. judges should realize that they are not to enact or ignore laws but to enforce them impartially. If they are unable to do this they should either recuse themselves from the case or better yet resign.

  3. The corruption of the Judicial Branch goes far beyond the corruption in the other branches of our government.

    They have become Oligarchs — de facto rulers defying the will of the people and the limits of the Constitution.

  4. Actually, this judge probably condemned the death row inmates to execution quicker than if he had just issued his order and gone home. By attending and participating in these rallies, the judge demonstrated an impermissible bias, which should give an Arkansas higher court the only grounds it needs to overrule the order without even having to consider the merits.

  5. Here’s what needs to happen.

    Impeaching a Judge. State judges can be impeached and removed from office by their state legislatures. If the state House of Representatives votes to impeach the judge, the state Senate holds the trial and decides whether the judge should be removed

  6. Here’s what needs to be done. All citizens of Arkansas should contact their elected rep and the Governor and demand his removal….

    Arkansas judges may be removed in one of three ways: •The judicial discipline and disability commission, which is responsible for enforcing the Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct, has the authority to investigate, as well as to initiate, complaints concerning misconduct of judges. After notice and hearing, the commission may, by majority vote of the membership, recommend to the supreme court that a judge be suspended or removed, and the supreme court sitting en banc may take such action.
    •Judges may be impeached by the house of representatives and convicted by two thirds of the senate.
    •The governor may remove judges for good cause upon the joint address of two thirds of the members of both houses of the general assembly.

  7. When death sentences are delayed, it costs the State to house these felons.

    Rescind the pay of judges. Particularly those who intentionally defeat the legal process.

  8. I won’t link to it, but a Resurgent (*cough*) article made the analogy and said this was GOOD news, because now conservative Judges – on precedent of Dem idiot Judges – can fail to recognize gay marriage, among other “morally offensive” matters.

  9. First off, being a “Experienced cultural competency and inclusion consultant” should make him ineligible for the bench. Was also sued a few years back.
    I smell Clintonistas…

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