Arkansas: Muslim who shot two soldiers claims that as a terrorist, he shouldn’t have been tried in state court – IOTW Report

Arkansas: Muslim who shot two soldiers claims that as a terrorist, he shouldn’t have been tried in state court

The Arkansas Supreme Court on Thursday tossed out the appeal of the man who shot two soldiers, killing one, at a Little Rock recruiting station in 2009.

Jihad Watch: Appeals of this kind tie up the Infidel’s resources, and although this one failed, the courts are so crazy these days that one never knows.

Also, Abdulhakim Muhammad has a point. Attacks like his are not criminal cases. He is a soldier in a war. He should be regarded as such. read more

7 Comments on Arkansas: Muslim who shot two soldiers claims that as a terrorist, he shouldn’t have been tried in state court

  1. I think the best thing for this person would have been a military courts martial and after being found guilty, executed by firing squad.They don’t need to reside in our prisons and convert others. Go straight to Hell!


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