Arkansas Senator’s Bill To Remove Clinton Name From Airport – IOTW Report

Arkansas Senator’s Bill To Remove Clinton Name From Airport

American Military News: On Thursday, Reuters reported that an Arkansas state senator introduced a bill proposing to rename the “Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.” Without mentioning their name directly, Rep. Jason Rapert’s bill would prohibit “naming of public buildings, structures, airports, or facilities” after anyone who is still living or has been in public office within ten years of the facility being completed. While no reports mention it directly, it appears this bill would apply retroactively to the already named airport due to the fight underway of some wanting to keep the name and others demanding it be changed.

“You have a president who was impeached for having an affair with an intern in the Oval Office and then disbarred,” state Sen. Rapert, told Reuters.

The airport just outside of little rock was renamed as Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport/Adams Field four years ago in 2012.  MORE HERE

13 Comments on Arkansas Senator’s Bill To Remove Clinton Name From Airport

  1. 2016 Arkansas Election Results:

    Trump. 60.4%
    Clinton. 33.8 %
    Johnson. 2.6 %
    McMullin. 1.2 %
    Stein. 0.9 %
    Imagine that, the first lady of Arkansas lost the State to a New Yorker!!! How humiliating that must feel?
    Whale Oil Beef Hooked!

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