Arkansas: Tornado slams Little Rock, smashes rooftops, flips vehicles – IOTW Report

Arkansas: Tornado slams Little Rock, smashes rooftops, flips vehicles

JACKSON, Mississippi — A tornado plowed through Little Rock and surrounding areas on Friday afternoon, reducing rooftops to splinters, toppling vehicles and tossing debris on roadways as people raced for shelter.

More than 350,000 people were at risk as what the National Weather Service called a “confirmed large and destructive tornado” tore through business districts and neighborhoods in Little Rock and North Little Rock.

Officials have declared a mass casualty event. Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services in Little Rock estimated at least 600 injuries so far.

Passengers and airport employees at Clinton National Airport in Little Rock took shelter in bathrooms and were ordered to stay there until 3:45 p.m. Aerial footage showed several rooftops were torn from homes in Little Rock and nearby Benton.

There were no immediate reports of injuries. more

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