(Job Openings!)
Numerous countries, such as Mexico, mandate that individuals seeking citizenship demonstrate fluency in the national language, encompassing both reading and writing skills. The United States should adopt a comparable standard of linguistic proficiency for citizenship, yet regrettably, it does not. However, Arkansas has identified a clever workaround. The Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), a mandatory credential for truck drivers, requires fluency in English. The state is now actively enforcing this regulation. more
Yo no hablo inglés
(mic drop)
This is what happens……
Weren’t all the foreign drivers from other countries allowed to drive beyond their own borders due to some free trade deal through the Obama administration?
I remember reading about something along those lines sometime back.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought at one time reading and writing English was a requirement for immigration into the U.S.
This happened in Saskatchewan, my province in early April 2019 when an Indian (from India) blew through a Stop sign and killed about half of the hockey players on a bus which had the right of way. Yes, he is in prison and will be deported when his sentence is served, but those young men (16-18) are still dead.
htf can you assholes find pick-up & delivery locations/routes, determine speed limits, tell transmission fluid from engine oil? who tf gave you those licenses, & where?
this sounds like a dei air traffic controller story
Companies can’t get/keep good drivers because they treat them like slaves so they hire illegals or anybody they can to fill the seat. There’s been a shortage for 30 years.