Armed Feds Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Children’s Hospital – IOTW Report

Armed Feds Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Children’s Hospital


Biden’s corrupt Justice Department indicted a Texas surgeon who blew the whistle on a sex-change program at the Texas Children’s Hospital.

In May 2023, Dr. Eithan Haim leaked the sex change documents to investigative reporter Christopher Rufo. Dr. Haim was careful not to disclose any patient information but the Biden DOJ indicted him on four felony counts related to HIPAA violations.

One day after Dr. Haim exposed the Texas Children’s Hospital, the Texas state legislature voted to ban transgender medical treatment and procedures on minors. more

18 Comments on Armed Feds Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Children’s Hospital

  1. If armed feds come to your door, just assume they’re there to ruin your life over some evil democrat bullshit and act accordingly. Your life is over at that point, so go out with some “pals”.

    Make them afraid to go after anyone.

  2. The Federal gov’t is clearly our enemy.

    Abuse after abuse after abuse from these federal goon squads that continually attack us.

    Are there no patriots or decent folks in these armed federal agencies? Or they just following orders from their fuhrer?

    It’s like they have never heard of the Nuremburg trials.

  3. The only reason more people are unaware of how out of control the lawless and dictatorship-like the govt has gotten is because the mainstream media runs cover for them.
    They’re as evil as the regime.

  4. “Taverns.”

    A lot better idea than a chatroom. Or online at all. Back in the day I use to think the Oath Keepers would fill the command and control spot. Apparently I wasn’t alone. Which reminds me, I was thinking the other day The Three Percenters have virtually disappeared.

  5. @Lowell — I totally agree. I used to be against doxxing. Not any more. We need to make and maintain lists at all levels: local, county, state, plus regional/district feddle and national feddle.
    Name, title, work address, home address.

  6. “Names of the federal agents involved please”

    My favorite retired Navy Seal, he owns Hi Value Targets, who also worked for the CIA for 8 years, had a really good Memorial Day Rant. Basically, If you’re carrying a badge and carrying out orders, enforcing warrants, you think are wrong, then you better stop. Eventually you’re going to be the first one shot. As it should be. Grow some balls.

  7. HIPPA rules are like so many rule that have been created by the Government. Rules you cannot help but break but we can get you any time we want. Like the tax rules.
    According to HIPPA just calling a patients name in the waiting room can be a violation if we want it to.

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