Armed man impersonating US Marshal arrested at Robert F. Kennedy event ID’d – IOTW Report

Armed man impersonating US Marshal arrested at Robert F. Kennedy event ID’d

NYP: A man who claimed to be part of Robert F. Kennedy’s security detail — while carrying pistols and extra ammunition — was quickly detained by authorities after showing up at a California event featuring the Democratic presidential candidate, authorities said.

“The man, wearing two shoulder holsters with loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines was carrying a U.S. Marshal badge on a lanyard and beltclip federal ID,” Kennedy said early Saturday on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. “He identified himself as a member of my security detail.”

Kennedy posted an image of the man, who was wearing a black shirt with a white symbol reading “Emergency Medical Services.”

Adrian Paul Aispuro, 44, was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and booked on $35,000 bail.  more

17 Comments on Armed man impersonating US Marshal arrested at Robert F. Kennedy event ID’d

  1. “…his brother, an unemployed Emergency Medical Technician, had been told there was a security job for him there…”

    Who told him? The voices in his gead, or the voice of a fed?

    One wonders if he’d have been the patsy if he’d gotten in undetected, and then there was a successful hit by others?

  2. Let me guess: this guy probably has a long history of contributing to and voting for leftist causes and candidates, but recently starting posting ultra-MAGA racist homophobic crap online. This is absolutely NOT another psyop event (wink wink, nudge nudge). Either that, or he’s your run-of-the-mill fame-seeking nut-job looking to get himself into the history books as another Kennedy assassin, but I’m betting it’s the first scenario.

  3. Wild Bill: “How come no one ever took a shot at Fat Teddy?”

    Ted Kennedy — the only Kennedy who assassinated himself. You KNOW that fucker woulda run for the Presidency if not for Chappaquidick.

  4. This has O’Biden’s CIA written all over it, huh? He’s certainly a perfect profile for their usual “contractors”.

    And someone at the New York Post is spooked (so to speak).

  5. When it comes to nefarious actions by the left I don’t believe in coincidences. This was no accident and the Demonrat left was involved in some manner. Kennedy is a big burr under their saddle. They want him gone. By whatever method required.

  6. ‘Kennedy posted an image of the man, who was wearing a black shirt with a white symbol reading “Emergency Medical Services.”’

    …lots going on here. First, a “Federal Marshall” wearing a medic shirt is a bit of a red flag. You would be expected to medic if a situation arose, and that would conflict with your supposed Marshall duties.

    Second, like to know more about why he’s an “unemployed” EMT. Agencies REALLY need people, especially after they fired everyone over the Coof Goof, so was he unemployed over the death jab or over being a vocal nut bag?

    Also, as to the shirt, I’ve had many, and they all named the agency I was affiliated with somewhere, and usually also the level of licensure in many cases (EMT-A, B, Intermediate, Paramedic at the time) so you had some at-a-glance idea of who you could ask to do what. Not seeing that here. This just seems like some generic thing you could get off the Interwebs to be a poser, which may get someone killed if you actually get involved in a situation because someone thinks your clothes actually MEAN what they say.

    And the shot with the bunker pants is amazing. I had bunker pants. Yes, you bunker up for EMS things too, but usually only when the situation requires it, like a car accident or something. We generally didn’t just stroll around in parial turnouts unless it was managing an EMS staging area or taking a break on a fireground, or at the hospital after a car crash. They are heavy and not super comfortable and typically are worn of a piece with structural firefighting boots, so they don’t make sense in situations where you might want to be more nimble and also not give violent mentals suspender staps to pull on.

    Also, when I resigned from my agency, I didn’t take the bunkers WITH me. Why would I, they belonged to the City and I wasn’t going to use them for gardening. Yes, you can buy these too on the Internet but again, WHY?

    Not to mention that someone, somewhere decided turnouts cause cancer, so legitimate agencies keep them in specially conditioned and ventilated rooms when not in use and don’t issue them for political screw-arounds.

    …so there’s a LOT peculiar about this guy’s deal just visually. I can see where they flagged him, if you know what you’re looking at even if you’re NOT LEO, it still doesn’t add up…

  7. Those fat azz ugly insurrectionists-activists who pretended to be humans and stomped around In Kevin McCarthy’s office should be arrested then thrown in a jail cell, beaten by guards and starved for insurrection.

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