Armed Minutemen To Appear at Border – IOTW Report

Armed Minutemen To Appear at Border

Western Journal: With a migrant caravan about 1,000 miles — roughly a week’s traveling distance — from the southern United States border, President Donald Trump continues to talk tough, promising to send as many as 15,000 active-duty troops to guard against their illegal entry.

According to multiple news reports this week, the National Guard troops and U.S. Border Patrol agents will find a group of armed volunteers heading to the border to assist in the effort.

To many Americans living near the border, however, their expected presence will not be welcomed.

The so-called Minutemen are integral in organizing and sending militia members to border states.

Some who support their mission have planned fundraisers to help offset the costs.

“When I look at TV footage of this caravan, I see young, fighting-age men who do not look like they’re starving,” said Monica Marin of Oregon.

Trump offered a similar assessment during comments about the group of migrants earlier this week.  more

12 Comments on Armed Minutemen To Appear at Border

  1. Beware the journo interviews with Jason Kessler-type fake Minutemen who will get in front of the camera to spout the Nazi narrative required by the media. Also, be prepared to hear the word “vigilante” ad nauseam.

  2. Over the past 3-4 years POTUS Trump not only met with, but made personal friends of dozens of American men, women and children who have lost a family member at the hands of an illegal alien, many brutally tortured and murdered and many more killed by someone who had been repeatedly deported or imprisoned here for acts, like DUI, many previous times. And then there are those illegals who run drugs who have also been caught, jailed, released, deported and repeatedly come back over the border. For years we’ve been reading about the establishment of ME terrorist groups in South and Central America who have been caught trying to gain illegal entry to the U.S. How many haven’t been caught? (James O’Keefe once crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico to the U.S. dressed as osama bin laden without being confronted by anyone for illegal entry.)

    How could anyone be POTUS and NOT do something to keep these marauders out! We’ve grown so used to dereliction of duty by everyone we’ve been paying (and handsomely) to protect our nation that we are stunned when someone actually takes their job seriously! It’s a terrible shame not to expect that the federal gov’t must protect our borders.

  3. My fear is that leftist pro-illegal groups in this county will attack our Army from the rear at the border.

    Perhaps the militia should be behind the Army guys, facing north.

  4. “To many Americans living near the border, however, their expected presence will not be welcomed.”
    There’s the kind of throwaway line that infuriates.
    Care to name a few names? Who are these “many” that don’t want to see the border secured, and do we really care about their opinion, if they indeed exist?

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