Armed robber’s parents upset with victim who fought back – IOTW Report

Armed robber’s parents upset with victim who fought back

The Parents Of This Dead Robber Are Really Mad His Victim Had A Gun.

Bearing Arms: The parents of a dead armed robber are very angry over his death, and are demanding to know why his innocent victim was allowed to be armed.

It’s been a difficult week for parents Temia Hairston and Michael Grace Sr. Their son, Michael Grace Jr., was shot and killed during an attempted robbery early Sunday morning.

Police said Grace Jr. and two other people tried to rob a Pizza Hut in the 3200 block of Freedom Drive. During the incident, an employee fired his own handgun and killed Grace Jr.

Hairston said she learned of her son’s death on social media, and only got confirmation from police after contacting them first. The grieving mother said she has been left with dozens of questions about the situation that have thus far gone unanswered.

“If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston

The parents are angry that their son was shot and killed by an employee. They don’t believe the full story has been released to the public.

“Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.

She said her son was shot in the head, and she thinks the shooting may have even been personal, citing past conflicts Grace Jr. had had with other employees at the restaurant.

“This wasn’t a body shot. This was a head shot. My son was shot in the left side of his head just behind his ear. A head shot is personal,” said Hairston.

Even though their son was in the process of committing a crime, the family thinks his death was undeserved and unjustified.

Hairston said she thinks the employee who shot her son needs to be in jail, and wants all parties involved in the situation to be honest about what happened.

You want honesty, Temia Hairston? I’ll give you honesty. read more

45 Comments on Armed robber’s parents upset with victim who fought back

  1. Had her son lived to a ripe old age, who knows how many innocent lives he would have taken and ruined? The Pizza Hut employee should be given an award for ridding society of this vermin.

  2. “A head shot is personal.” No, a head shot is an accident. Everyone knows you put two in the chest first. The head shot is just to make sure – nothing personal about it.

  3. Hairston said she thinks the employee who shot her son needs to be in jail…

    Yes, sort of: I’d like to see the guards invite the shooter to walk down the jail corridor thumbing his nose at the convicts, saying “I defended myself by shooting and killing the thug who tried to rob me. You guys are lucky to be alive!”

  4. “If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston

    Kiss my ENTIRE ASS!!

    You try to rob me, I’ll shoot you where you stand….

  5. If you have the shot, a headshot kills instantly. The thug was armed, a shot to center of mass might enable him to live long enough to get off a few shots of his own, before entering hell.

  6. Wow.
    “Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.
    Well, why in the hell did your son not only have a gun, but used it in an attempted robbery. Pointing a gun at someone is intent to use it.
    Soo sorry, but sometimes playing the fool has deadly consequences.

  7. Crime is the new black entitlement

    “….that’s the job of law enforcement “”Ha Ha if only. Imagine the outrage and riots if he was shot by law enforcement.

    Isn’t it strange how democrats and criminals want to disarm you? Probably because they know that when people knew what then plan on doing it could get them shot.

  8. Mmmm mmm mmm. Sorry about your loss ma’am. If only we could ban guns. Mmm mmm mmm. It’s a shame. That awful clerk. The mind that can think the thoughts the woman expressed is not one that will be amenable to reason. We’re sunk if this votes.

  9. “Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.
    CC NOVEMBER 7, 2019 AT 2:11 PM

    I believe my answer would be to protect him or herself from vermin like your son.

  10. It’s sad, really … you kinda get the idea that Junior didn’t have much of a chance … after being raised by imbeciles.

    Maybe Sanger and Planned Parenthood are right!

    Come to think of it, just consider it a post-partum abortion!
    Then it’s OK!

    See how that works?

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. @Cmn¢¢guy
    Once the investigation confirms the employee didn’t break any laws then he should be provided an award of 1% of the anticipated amount the perp would have cost the taxpayers during trial and once convicted.

  12. Jethro,
    Release them all with trackers, so they can be use with the new “THUG-TRACKER” app. Kind of a pokemon thing.

    Yes, I know it’s wrong, but funny at the same time.


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