Armenian Assembly: Omar’s Refusal to Acknowledge Armenian Genocide Doesn’t Represent ‘Muslim Values’ – IOTW Report

Armenian Assembly: Omar’s Refusal to Acknowledge Armenian Genocide Doesn’t Represent ‘Muslim Values’

PJMedia/Robert Spencer: In reporting on the refusal of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Ankara) to vote for a House resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide, NBC News quoted Van Krikorian, the co-chair of the Armenian Assembly of America, saying that Omar’s “votes and actions…do not represent the best of American or Muslim values. Innocent people were and are being slaughtered, and there is a universal need to defend the victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing, not to stand with or defer to the murderers.”

Although his statement reflects the dominant view in the United States and all over the West about how Islam is really a cuddly religion of peace if you just get to know it, Van Krikorian is wrong. The Armenian Genocide was carried out in accord with “Muslim values,” and that may be why Ilhan Omar, who makes a public show of her devoutness in Islam by wearing the Sharia-mandated hijab, would not vote to condemn it. The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS reveals the shocking truth about 1,400 years of jihad activity, including the genocide of Anatolia’s Christians.

In 1894, the Ottoman sultanate began massacring Armenians ruthlessly, committing mass rapes, killing even children, and burning Armenian villages. The chief dragoman (Turkish interpreter) of the British Embassy wrote that those who committed these atrocities were “guided in their general action by the prescriptions of Sheri [Sharia] Law. That law prescribes that if the ‘rayah’ [subject] Christian attempts, by having recourse to foreign powers, to overstep the limits of privileges allowed to them by their Mussulman masters, and free themselves from their bondage, their lives and property are to be forfeited, and are at the mercy of the Mussulmans. To the Turkish mind, the Armenians had tried to overstep these limits by appealing to foreign powers, especially England. They, therefore, considered it their religious duty and a righteous thing to destroy and seize the lives and property of the Armenians.” read more

3 Comments on Armenian Assembly: Omar’s Refusal to Acknowledge Armenian Genocide Doesn’t Represent ‘Muslim Values’

  1. “even the Armenians are now pussified”
    Nice generalization, just because you read a headline quoted from a moron who leads “Armenian Assembly of America”, not even a major Armenian leadership.

    Good job, whoever you are, just attack a whole group of people for one man’s quote.


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