Army demands millions back from Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson after promotion deal backfires bigly – IOTW Report

Army demands millions back from Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson after promotion deal backfires bigly


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s deal to promote the U.S. Army in exchange for money has backfired mightily.

According to, earlier this year the Army inked an $11 million deal with Johnson’s United Football League (UFL).

The deal said that Johnson was to use his social media reach to promote the Army with at least five social media posts.

“The Army valued each social media post at $1 million, service documents show, and it was expecting five of them,” according to “But Johnson did not fulfill his end of the deal — making only two of the five social media posts, Army documents show.” more

15 Comments on Army demands millions back from Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson after promotion deal backfires bigly

  1. I dont like that guy, but its not his fault the military is run by a watch-checking demented pedophile through a bunch of sexual deviants that ran manditory medical experiments on their own command in contravention of the Nurenberg Laws and abandoned their troops to be shamed and murdered for partisan political reasons when their DEI hire boss isnt sneaking off to the hospital without devolving command elsewhere, that is.

    There’s nothing an actor can do to fix THAT.

  2. GM – just made a couple of Dark & Stormies for me and the wife before grilling – Goslings rum and Goslings ginger beer, mmmm good! I’l make a nuther one for you and let you know how it is after I drink it… 🙂

  3. I can proudly say that I have NEVER made it through any one of his movies in its entirety.
    His CRAP is always an Basic & Specialty channels and 100% unwatchable.

  4. Whom gives a green wiener? Fiat money, how many billions to Ukraine so’s a bunch will back flow into our corruptocrats? Whom for God’s sake cares about 11 million fiat at this point?


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