Army Establishes Transgender Shower Protocol – IOTW Report

Army Establishes Transgender Shower Protocol

Daily Caller:

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) – The Army has set guidelines for the mixing of transgendered and normal individuals in shower areas.

“Tier Three Transgender Training” outlines rules for the co-mingling of mentally ill men pretending to be women and biological women in showers:

Biological Females: Shower Protocol

  • Be prepared for the possibility that one or more of your fellow females may have a penis.
  • In the event you find yourself in close quarters with a “woman” having a penis, any reaction involving running, screaming, pointing, or laughing is considered unacceptable and must be suppressed.
  • Maintain a minimum 5′ distance from all penises at all times.
  • All soap must be on a rope worn around the neck. If the soap somehow falls to the floor, do not pick it up. Call a commanding officer or shower attendant.

more here

13 Comments on Army Establishes Transgender Shower Protocol

  1. I wish all the women in the country would call a full blown strike – no work, no housework, no sex, whatever – until the country gets its shit together and drops this whole concept that mentally ill men must be treated like real live normal women.
    It’s the women themselves that need to call bullshit on this.

  2. From Scooter’s military shower protocol – this is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year:
    – “In the unlikely event a woman deliberately touches you with her penis …”

  3. Hey, obama has left the building…’s time to drop the fantasy and embrace reality. If you were born with a dick….you are in fact a male despite your delusion.

  4. Please tell me the pic Scooter has up is a photoshop The boobs on that person are pathetic-even if the person was 95 years old. Is that what hormone injections produce? .

  5. Sorry, but Mattis simply postponed it, he is, for all the tuff talk, a little squishy on the subject. I’ve followed him carefully and find him to be somewhat disappointing.

  6. Shame that Scooter’s site only shows one comment on a really funny blurb.

    Is it because the site requires a log in to comment? I don’t have any credentials with any of those icons like Twerper or Googly.

    Probably never will.

  7. “When I joined the military it was illegal to be homosexual, then it became optional, and now it’s legal. I’m getting out before the Democrats make it mandatory.”
    ― Sgt. Harry Berres, USMC

  8. To sum up, any reaction that would be similar to the reaction of 99.99999999% of females who have ever lived, (prior to this decade, of course) is unacceptable and must be suppressed

    Do this is the name of The One

    Glory to you, Obama

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