Arnold Schwarzenegger Pushes Vegetarian Diet to Stop Climate Change – IOTW Report

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pushes Vegetarian Diet to Stop Climate Change

shut up

BigHollywood: Former bodybuilder, action star, and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is now advocating a part-time vegetarian diet to protect the planet from climate change.

Speaking at the United Nations Paris Climate Change Conference this week, theTerminator star was asked by the BBC whether he would recommend reducing meat consumption to save the environment from greenhouse gases.

The former Mr. Olympia, who is now a staunch environmentalist, told the outlet 28 percent of greenhouse gasses are caused by meat production and meat-eating and said people should be willing to cut back.  read more

SNIP: Hey, Aaaahhhnold. How much greenhouse gas did you expel while you were cheating on Maria?


18 Comments on Arnold Schwarzenegger Pushes Vegetarian Diet to Stop Climate Change

  1. I am doing all I can to increase the vegetation eaten to keep me well fed.

    All the animals I eat consume large amounts of vegetation. Much more than I could ever eat on my own.

    Your welcome, Arnie.

  2. Here’s a word of advice for you Arnold, better to keep your mouth closed and have people wonder if you’re really that fucking stupid then to open it and confirm their suspicions.

    Arnold didn’t just jump the shark, he fucking pole vaulted over it. Too bad, he used to be a solid conservative, WTF happened?

  3. So says Mr Eat-The-Most-Protein-EVAH so that he could become Mr Universe and Mr Olympus.
    Frankly, I WANT more “greenhouse” gasses to warm up the planet. I want to get up to the level of the Medieval Warm Period (~300 years, 950-1250 AD), which was approximately 3 degrees warmer, and able to have TWO growing seasons. (ppssstt – and that was BEFORE the world became industrialized and heavily populated).

  4. Soybeans are an exceptional source of protein…. and estrogen.

    That’s why all our little WIC-raised formula boys are turning into girly-men, aided of course, by the Publique Education System.

    Real. Men. Eat. Meat.

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