Arrests made as May Day marches turn violent in many cities (Videos) – IOTW Report

Arrests made as May Day marches turn violent in many cities (Videos)


DML: Organized by labor unions and civil rights groups, May Day rallies challenging President Trump’s immigration and deportation policies took place Monday across the United States, with the largest demonstrations expected late in the day.

The aim of activists was to attract the largest crowds that have demonstrated for so-called U.S. immigrant-rights since Trump was inaugurated.

Midtown Manhattan saw 500 protesters marching early in the day and rallying in front of Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase & Co. According to a spokesperson for Make the Road New York, an immigrant advocacy group, 12 participants were arrested.

Jose Lopez, co-director of organizing for the group, said that the two banks were selected due to their dealings with private companies that have constructed or manage immigrant detention centers for the government.

“The messaging for today was to stop financing immigrant detention facilities,” said Lopez. “This is going to be the first of many attacks against these corporations who, until they stop working with this administration, will continue to be on our target list.”

It got violent in Portland, Oregon:  

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