Arrests of non-citizens with criminal convictions at border at record highs – IOTW Report

Arrests of non-citizens with criminal convictions at border at record highs

JTN: If the current trajectory continues, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations agents are on track this fiscal year to arrest the greatest number of illegal foreign nationals with criminal convictions in recorded history.

By contrast, Border Patrol apprehensions of gang members and weapons seizures are down significantly, and a former border chief tells The Center Square those numbers have dropped because far fewer agents are in the field – between ports of entries – to make such seizures and apprehensions.

The majority of people with criminal convictions who are being apprehended and arrested are being caught at ports of entry, according to CBP enforcement data, where OFO agents work. Fiscal year to date, OFO agents encountered more than 15,000 people with criminal convictions, up from roughly 6,500 in fiscal 2021. In fiscal 2022, they apprehended nearly 17,000.

Among them, agents arrested 8,452 identified in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) compared to 10,389 arrested in fiscal 2022 and 5,929 arrested in fiscal 2018. more

5 Comments on Arrests of non-citizens with criminal convictions at border at record highs

  1. That’s only the ones they have records on.
    We’re dealing with migrants from third world countries that aren’t known for their stellar record system and where a little cash in the right hands will expunge anything.

  2. The border RoE (Rules of Engagement) need to be changed and simplified.
    Instead of stopping, inspecting, arresting, etc, etc….
    Cross over the border? Get shot at.
    Take one step further? Get shot.
    ‘Nuff said.

  3. If the Chinese are adapting our methods and technology, it won’t be long before their military demise.

    Our military has taken a deep dive into the SWAMP! No standards, no discipline, no weapons, undereducated and no physical standards have decimated the American soldier.

    So encourage the spying on the American military.

    And as to giving up secrets: They have been sold, already to the highest bidder and money distributed.


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