ARROGANT Trudeau – IOTW Report


23 Comments on ARROGANT Trudeau

  1. Then the limp dick made the mistake of trying that snotty crap with Trump and eventually he had to come back begging when the president aced him on trade.
    Not just that episode but there were many more where he got smoked by the master. You’d think the punk would learn.

  2. We are now at war. The jackasses started it with their criminal mistreatment of Judge Kavanaugh. I am a firm believer in you reap what you sow. The jackasses are going to take some big hits in November. We will hit them hard at the ballot box. Those who can drive volunteer to take voters to their local precincts. Others can hand out candidate flyers.
    Were calling for total mobilization for the fight we are in. They started it, we can finish it.

  3. The election is going to be sometime in 2019. The problem that Justin the Younger faces is whether to call an early election because the Conservative Party leader Scheer is finally starting a campaign to introduce himself to the population or to try to delay the election as long as he can and try to repair the damage he and his buddies have done to the Liberal Party brand.

    I think that if Scheer and the federal conservatives are smart and employ is solid, consistent message they could destroy the Federal Liberal party just as Premier Ford and his Ontario Provincial Conservative Party destroyed the Provincial Liberals in the recent Ontario provincial election.


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