Articles of Impeachment Introduced against Biden’s DHS Chief Mayorkas – IOTW Report

Articles of Impeachment Introduced against Biden’s DHS Chief Mayorkas

NeonNettle- Articles of impeachment have been introduced against Democrat Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, according to reports.

On Tuesday, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) introduced two articles against Mayorkas.

Biggs accused Mayorkas of having presided over a “reckless abandonment” of border security since taking the helm at DHS.

“Certainly Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a substantial amount of blame with this, they’re the ones who campaigned on this, but Mayorkas has not pushed back at all,” Biggs said in a Tuesday statement.

“So he is the guy who is responsible for the border security and national security and it is a disaster down there.”

“He has failed utterly in his duty,” the Arizona Republican said. more

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