‘As a porn star I’m terrified’ at Kamala Harris becoming VP – IOTW Report

‘As a porn star I’m terrified’ at Kamala Harris becoming VP


BPR: Adult film star Cherie DeVille said part of her is “terrified” about Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., becoming vice president, and while her reasons may differ, the porn star can rest assured that there are millions of Americans who share this disposition.

In an op-ed seemingly designed to promote her industry, DeVille cited “a lifetime of animosity toward sex workers” from Harris as a major concern.

Make no mistake, DeVille is not politically conservative, but her criticism of Harris goes back to her early rise in politics — which has been linked to an affair she had as a young, ambitious deputy district attorney with then 60-year-old San Francisco mayor Willie Brown.

“I respect Harris for seeing gays and women of color through a compassionate lens,” DeVille wrote in a Daily Beast op-ed. “After four years of Vice President Mike Pence, it’ll be nice to see someone make the executive branch empathetic again. Still, I doubt Harris’s executive empathy will extend to exotic dancers, porn stars, strippers, prostitutes, or erotic masseuses.” more here

22 Comments on ‘As a porn star I’m terrified’ at Kamala Harris becoming VP

  1. No offense to porn stars, but I don’t think they are anyone’s significant constituency. You might want to look into Eric Swalwell. He might be willing to work with you.

  2. “…I doubt Harris’s executive empathy will extend to exotic dancers, porn stars, strippers, prostitutes, or erotic masseuses.”

    The porn star is worried Heels Up Harris isn’t degenerate enough! I think the new VP then President will exceed her expectations.

  3. Fake compassion and pseudo empathy is all anyone selling the progressive agenda has to offer.

    The history of what progressives have to offer whenever the movement achieves critical mass and progressives come to power is unequivocal. Increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death on a biblical scale is the end result each and every time. Everything else about progressivism is an illusion.

    The history of the 20th century documents what progressives and progressivism have to offer. I wish I could be more charitable and say that I would not wish it on anyone, but that would be a lie. In a just world those who fall for that garbage would be condemned to live under it, isolated from those who want nothing to do with such a demonstrably wicked and evil political philosophy.

  4. …the nemesis of any porn star is free porn.

    With a pedophile and a whore available on every simpering “news” channel every day of the year with every media actor going down on both of them 24/7, and the fact that they’re going to unleash a torrent of perverts on this nation on a scale not seen since Sodam and Gomorrah, there’s no WAY anyone’s gonna pay a porn actress for what they can get for free on MSNBC, or indeed at the nearest elementary school, so Chere and her co-workers are gonna be out of a job come the 20th…

  5. …it is said that during the reign of Emperor Claudius Germanicus that his third wife Messalena challenged the chief of the Guild of Prostitutes to a fuck-off, which Messalina, the Empress, won handily.

    …I suspect that will be viewed as a challenge to our fraudulent VP after she ascends the American throne over the Pedophile’s bones, but its the challenge that I’m confident she’s worthy of, as she’s been practicing her entire political career and literally sucked her way to the top…

  6. O.K., then — so who did you vote for? You obviously dislike Trump and Republicans in general, so most likely you vote Democrat — in which case, you get what you fucking deserve.

  7. “prostitutes, or erotic masseuses” – Don’t they both come to the same conclusion?
    Hey, 2 people of amoral character; one went for $$$, the other for power.
    Who’s to say who prostituted themselves and who didn’t?


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