As Antifa Terrorizes Portland, Biden Claims Trump Is Attacking ‘Peaceful Protesters’ – IOTW Report

As Antifa Terrorizes Portland, Biden Claims Trump Is Attacking ‘Peaceful Protesters’

PJMedia: On Wednesday, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden finally addressed the federal response to the horrific antifa riots and lawlessness in Portland.

Rather than acknowledging the violence and destruction in that city — which have carried on for 54 nights — Biden slammed federal officers, claiming they were “brutally attacking peaceful protesters” in service of President Donald Trump’s “political interests.” His statement did not even mention the firing of mortars at police officers and at the federal courthouse or the brief “autonomous zone” that emerged in Portland earlier this month. MORE

10 Comments on As Antifa Terrorizes Portland, Biden Claims Trump Is Attacking ‘Peaceful Protesters’

  1. Love the meme image. Make Demented Joe own it.

    BTW, pantifa and BLM terrorists…bring a Molotov Cocktail into my neighborhood and you get a 30.06 bullet as a keep sake (well it is FMJ so it might go right on through you).

  2. Oh, FFS

    “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

    The importance of a person or thing is the way it is; not because of what it is called. Simply, it means the names of things cannot affect what they actually are. This line is, in fact, very profound, suggesting that a name is just a label to distinguish one thing from another. It neither has any worth, nor gives true meaning. Only an individual or thing has a worth when it deserves it.

    When the left provides the Ministry of Truth with what words to use said words never resemble the accepted definition of the words. This is by design.

    Anybody who cannot recognize that “mostly peaceful,” and “peaceful protesters”to describe leftists engaging in riotous behavior was prescribed from on high and sent down to every newsroom in America is hopeless.


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