As DOJ Targets Parents, Fmr. Agent Running for Congress Warns FBI is ‘Enforcement Arm of Biden’s Agenda’ – IOTW Report

As DOJ Targets Parents, Fmr. Agent Running for Congress Warns FBI is ‘Enforcement Arm of Biden’s Agenda’

Townhall: As Landon covered on Friday, thirteen states have signed onto a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in order to obtain records from FBI surveillance related to crackdowns on parents protesting at school board meetings, especially in the wake of the pandemic. The lawsuit, first reported on by Timothy H.J. Nerozzi at Fox News, is being led by Indiana’s Republican Attorney General  Todd Rokita, which targets President Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, citing a failure to honor FOIA requests.

In addition to Indiana, states include Arkansas, Arizona, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. 

Steve Gray, a former FBI agent who is running as a Republican to represent New Jersey’s 4th district, criticized what his former employer has become.

“The FBI’s job is to go out and apprehend real criminals, child molesters, and real terrorists. Instead, they’re harassing hardworking parents who simply don’t want their kids stuck in masks all day being indoctrinated by ideologies that are counter to their values,” Gray pointed out in a statement for Townhall. He went on to call it “disgraceful” and “exactly the kind of thing that led me to leave the FBI.”  more

5 Comments on As DOJ Targets Parents, Fmr. Agent Running for Congress Warns FBI is ‘Enforcement Arm of Biden’s Agenda’

  1. The FBI’s job is to go out and apprehend real criminals, child molesters, and real terrorists.

    The FBI’s job is to go out and create fake criminals, fake child molesters, and fake terrorists.

  2. The DOJ and FBI need to understand.. The End is coming and when it does..”I was just following orders” won’t work! You’ll hang right along with them!


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