As Evergreen State descends into chaos, LGBTQ students find refuge in ‘Rainbow Fort’ – IOTW Report

As Evergreen State descends into chaos, LGBTQ students find refuge in ‘Rainbow Fort’

‘A calm spot in the storm of radical queers,’ says dorm’s creator

College Fix: Students at Evergreen State College, where armed vigilantes have started anti-racist patrols, can find a reprieve from the harsh realities of dorm life in their very own “safe space.”

The Rainbow Fort is a themed housing option for LGBTQ students and well-wishers that vows to create “intentional, supportive environments for students around the concepts of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.”

Steady interest in the housing option, which dates to the 2010-2011 academic year, has resulted in its renewal for next year. Applications for the Rainbow Fort are still being accepted on the public college’s housing website.


SNIP: Do they ever plan to leave the ‘Rainbow Fort’, mentally?

14 Comments on As Evergreen State descends into chaos, LGBTQ students find refuge in ‘Rainbow Fort’

  1. Can they pull a reverse St. Pancake strategy and bulldoze and raze the whole insane place to the ground? It would serve them right, Evergreen St. College needs to go and as quickly as possible into the scrapheap of failed liberal/progtard good intentions. The place is a disgrace and embarrassment to higher education in the State of Wash.

  2. Two years mandatory military service.
    Back in the days when there was a draft they had a special section for hippies.
    You had to stay in that group till you proved you did not belong there.
    They kept the hippies away from the real men.

  3. why the heck would people who need a rainbow fort to self segregate in need to use my wifes bathroom ?

    wouldn’t they like their own rainbow bathroom ?

    the more you hear about acceptance, tolerance and diversity the more the people who you assume want to be accepted into society are self segregating from it.

    these people are just too funny, and such hypocrites.

    they don’t accept us into their society but will march in the streets and take over campuses to be allowed into our society.

  4. I’d like to see several heavily armed veterans surround that school and be allowed a mad minute. If there are any survivors just rinse and repeat.

  5. I also read it as ‘rainbow fart’! Only an hour’s sleep, and I’ve been awake since 10:30 last night! Old just ain’t what it’s cracked up to be!!!

  6. I’m confused. The LGBLT crowd needs a safe space to protect them from “anti-racist vigilantes”. Does that mean the LGBLT’s are racist? Who wrote this?

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