As Expected, House Democrats Pass Funding Bill Without Money for Border Wall – IOTW Report

As Expected, House Democrats Pass Funding Bill Without Money for Border Wall

DB: House Democrats ignored a veto threat and passed two appropriations bills to fund and reopen the U.S. government without including money for the border wall.

The Washington Times reports that Speaker Pelosi “led the House in approving legislation late Thursday that would extend full-year funding to eight departments, and passage of one month of money to Homeland Security — though without any new wall money.”

The full-year bill passed with five Republicans joining all Democrats by 239-192 votes. The Homeland Security bill passed 241-190, with seven GOP members joining the Democrats and voting in favor of its passage.

President Trump has called for another meeting with Congressional leaders at 11:30 a.m. today, however it is unlikely a deal will be reached.

Pelosi told reporters last night, “We’re not doing the wall. Does anybody have any doubt that we’re not doing the wall? We are not doing a wall. So that’s that. It has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with: The wall is an immorality between countries. It’s an old way of thinking [and] it isn’t cost-effective.”

Meanwhile, Vice President Pence appeared on Fox News last night where he said funding for the border wall was crucial to reaching a deal.  MORE

8 Comments on As Expected, House Democrats Pass Funding Bill Without Money for Border Wall

  1. Immorality as in ‘dishonest?’ ‘Evil?’ ‘Wicked?’

    Well, the primary function of the wall is to keep people on both sides honest, so throw dishonest out.

    If democrats didn’t want something evil or wicked, Nan, you wouldn’t be speaker again.

    If it’s not about ‘politics,’ then it sure must be about ‘votes.’

  2. Overplaying their hand. What burns me is McConnell and the rest of the GOP not joining Trump to make the case for border security which is a no brainer with the police officer murdered in CA, a fire chief’s son killed by a drunk illegal and the numerous other sexual assaults, assaults, murders, DUIs, child sexual abuse etc. committed daily by illegals. The American people would be burning down DC dem phone lines if the GOP played this right.

  3. My heart tells me to continue to give to liberal charities, but my wallet won’t fund it. I guess I’ll have to stick to giving to conservatives, as long as Pelosi is in power.

  4. OK, Nancy, please explain how spending $5 billion on a portion of a border wall isn’t cost effective, but spending $100 billion a year to deal with our illegal immigrant issues is?


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